2023 Opinion
Look, I'm a Jily, Pandalily, and Nobleflower shipper, but that doesn't mean this wouldn't be cute. Unfortunately, though, it probably wouldn't, and shouldn't, happen. Personality-wise, I imagine Narcissa to be quite studious, quiet, and caring in her own way, which Lily would appreciate. I can see them studying potions together, which they likely both had an interest in (we know Narcissa did, and Lily may have too because of Snape).However, it's a little problematic. Why? The age gap. Narcissa is five years older than Lily, which wouldn't be a problem if both were adults, but if we're talking about during Hogwarts...no. If they got together when Narcissa was 17, Lily would only be, what, 12? That's an awful and disgusting age gap, and leads me to dislike this ship.
If they were the same age, or close to it, I would probably ship them though.
Rating: 7/10

Harry Potter ships
FanficThis is a redo from my ship book on my old account smart_hermionerules. Suggest ships and I'll tell you what I think!