2023 opinion
I've read this before too. I don't hate it, even though I should. Like with Tomione, the toxicity and craziness is what makes it interesting. I prefer it over the former, though, because at least Harry isn't dating Tom as a muggleborn. There's a power imbalance still, but it's as balanced as a relationship with Tom Riddle can be, let's be real. His only match in power was Harry. Always Harry. I am self-aware enough to know that this pairing is bat-shit crazy and is made worse by the fact that Tom/Voldemort killed Harry's parents, is a genocidal maniac, and tried to kill Harry for his entire life. Also, the age gap is gross. For this reason, I'd only ship it in AUs, time turner fics, and prefer Tomarry over Harrymort. I do not ship the latter in any circumstance. Now, Tomarry...I wouldn't say I ship it, but I'm open to it because dang are there some good fics. Sorry...Rating: 5/10.

Harry Potter ships
FanfictionThis is a redo from my ship book on my old account smart_hermionerules. Suggest ships and I'll tell you what I think!