Don't Poke the Scorpion

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————___________________________________Author's POV:___________________________________

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"YOU THINK SHE WANTS TO COWER BEFORE ME?! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HER BEING UNDERMINED BY CREATURES WHO KNOW NOTHING OF WHAT THEY SPEAK! I have never in my life met a woman more worthy of standing beside me. Know now that the only thing stopping me from tearing you apart is her being here, but keep trying me, and I'll request her to step outside and cover her ears."

Every being in that room moved further away from the two, preparing for perhaps one of the bloodiest brawls in all of Hell's history to unfold before them. Y/N too felt she should add some distance. Her voice was lost, though she wished to call out to him, convince him to let it go before things get too out of hand, but in the end, her fear paralyzed her, and she hated herself for it. As her nails dug into her palms, she hoped that Phil would gather his own senses and find a way to handle this situation quickly. "There is nothing I am more protective of than my sheep. Do not make me fight you, Beelzebub, you know I will even if it would cost me my life." Suddenly, Beelz began to laugh. It was a deep, hardy sound that echoed across the room. It was as if he was told the best joke known to man.

"There you are, that's the Mephistopheles I know! Really, you take things much too seriously. You've got the whole room quaking now, mood killer." Phil's eyes narrowed warningly, showing he wasn't messing around. A short, almost bitter laugh left the pinned demon this time, his eyes narrowing with interest. "Tell me, how does it feel knowing you're threatening someone stronger than yourself? You might be able to adapt quickly, but you're no fool. Is this human really worth the trouble?"

"Indeed she is. From the moment I first laid eyes on her, I knew I found someone special. I do not think myself a fool for defending her. Besides," Mephistopheles smirked. "I'm already aware you have no interest in fighting me. I know you just like pushing my buttons." Then a look of deadly seriousness appeared on his face. "However, I must advise you not to press this, or I truly will lose it." A long, drawn-out sigh leaves Beelzebub's lips before a small smile appears.

"Alright, your highness. You win. Consider my apology as a wedding present. As for this ceremony of yours, I request an unlimited pass on the booze during the after party for me and my friends as payment."

"Only for the band and just for one night. While we're at it, no swallowing them whole with this big mouth of yours. We don't want to run all of hell dry." Beelz chuckles as Phil taps his pointed shoe atop the teeth of his torso. He then gets off the man and offers a hand to help the taller demon to his feet. Dusting off his coat, the larger man laughs.

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