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~ ••• { The Prince of Gluttony } ••• ~

Yay! I've been soooo excited to show off Beelzebub for a while now, and I can't wait for you to see his design! I know I say that about a lot of my characters, from this book especially, but god damn, he looks so cool 😭 And he's definitely serving up some crazy, fun uncle vibes. Haha! Let's get into it.

~ ••• { Human Form } ••• ~

•Curly hair that looks a little messy, but a good messy, and is usually held out of his face by a bit of product. It's pitch black in color with some visible sections of grey mixed in there.
     •Stubbled beard with a thin mustache and a patch of a goatee

Skin Type:
•As a human, his skin has a deep tan

•Deep brown eyes, like dark chocolate

Body Type:
•As a human, he is about 6 ft 8 in (203.20 cm)
•He has very strong and sturdy built— Kinda has that dad bod thing going on.
     •Thin brows

~ ••• { Demon Form } ••• ~

     •The usual black eyes often associated with these demons

Skin Type:
     •As a demon, his skin is severely paled, as most demon skin types range from ghastly white to different shades of greys to pitch blacks, but he likes how his human form's skin looks on him better, so that is an aspect of his human form that he prefers to keep when shifting over.

Skin Type:     •As a demon, his skin is severely paled, as most demon skin types range from ghastly white to different shades of greys to pitch blacks, but he likes how his human form's skin looks on him better, so that is an aspect of his human f...

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   •Very, very large. We're looking at close to 9 ft (274.32cm) so he is massive.
    •Slightly pointed ears
    •An open, endless cavity in his body that starts from the top of the throat all the way down to the bottom of his gut. This split acts as a sort of mouth, the teeth being formed of thick, protruding bones. The ones in his neck curling out, much like ribs and are more for show, while the others resemble jagged teeth and function as a normal mouth. For a while, I couldn't decide whether I want the interior of his neck to be just a black hole or if his bones should be showing, but ultimately leaned towards the black hole idea.

{God, I hope Wattpad doesn't say shit about these pictures being too graphic. Pray for me, y'all 😭 I tried not to do too much detail with these.}

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