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Author's Note:

Greetings, my loyal subjects.

As you might've guessed by the title of the chapter, I'm going to talk about Peter, the demon I introduced you to in the last chapter. You see, I've decided to draw pictures of the unique characters Y/N meets on her journey through Hell because I understand it'll be easier to imagine them that way. I will be doing this with important characters only for the sake of whatever's left of my sanity, as there will be many. I will also give you bits of information on them as well— much like I did in Mephistopheles' chapter.

Let us begin, shall we?

Human Form:

Peter is the only name he goes by. Demons don't really have any surnames, unless they make one up for themselves, so that is why I only give a first name for them, and sometimes, they would rather be called by their title rather than name. His title will be shared later on in this chapter.

Shaggy, dark brown— nearly black hair swept to the right which covers most of his forehead. Basically, it's the emo cut.

Skin Type:
I'd say fairly tanned. He has a lot of scars on his face: two on his left cheek, one on the right cheek, one on the left side of his chin and a whole bunch on his forehead, which is why he covers it with his hair.

Amber-brown eyes with yellow-orange flecks that give them a fiery look.

Body Type:
•He looks slim at first glance, but he's actually pretty muscular, particularly in the chest and arms.
•He is 5'11 (180.34 cm) in height.
•Like his face, his body is also covered in scars.

Half-Demon Form:

________________________________Half-Demon Form:________________________________

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{Honestly, I think this picture looks so ugly. It was my first sketch of him, though, so I figured I'd put it in.}

Skin Type:
His skin is a light grey in demon form.

Skin Type:           His skin is a light grey in demon form

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