Bad Dreams

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•E/C: Eye Color
•H/C: Hair Color
•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

I walk along a cobblestone road dressed only in the loose, grey, pajama shirt and black, fleece, pajama bottoms that I fell asleep in. My feet are left bare as I travel by my lonesome while looking around the unfamiliar location. I have no idea where I am or how I got here, but, if I had to guess, this is another one of my strange dreams. The streets are dark and empty, making it eerily quiet, which easily put me on edge. Honestly, though, the place is beautiful otherwise.

The sky above is painted in shades of red and maroon with hints of orange sparkling in the horizon and is accented with clouds of grey that resemble smoke, making it look like it was on fire. Tall buildings, mostly composed of brick, line the left side of the road, their colors dark to match the almost spooky atmosphere of the ginormous kingdom I stand within. To my right are old fashioned streetlights with red flames dancing within the glass that light the path for me as the sky grows darker, and behind the black, metal poles lies a river that winds through the seemingly abandoned city. Fog emanates from it's murky liquid that seemingly calls for me to come near and stick a hand in. I go to preform the action only to be tugged back by the wrist.

Nothing caused the jerking action. It was like an invisible string had pulled me back. The invisible force then takes control of my legs to push me forward down the street, ripping the thought of touching the mysterious river out of my mind. I have no say in the action, it seems, for I can't get myself to stop moving no matter how hard I try, so I give up and follow where my feet take me. It's just a dream, after all.

What's the harm? My E/C orbs glance upwards upon hearing loud caws sound from overhead and find the shadows of large birds flying above, but they're much too far away to make out any details, so I can't determine their species. As I walk, another thing I note about this place is the extensive use of bridges. Sturdy, rope bridges connect buildings while detailed stone arches are placed across the ominous river to allow one to get to the other side. Something that's also hard to ignore is the heat. I often find myself wiping the sweat leaking down my face, and my warm pants certainly don't help.

'I wish I was wearing shorts.' I was almost tempted to just walk around in my underwear because, honestly, who's going to see? This is all in my head, and, besides, no one else is even here. This place is a ghost town! I push aside the temptation, for as hot as I am, there is still a peculiar aura in this place that sends a chill down my spine.

Something is off about it; I'm just not sure what exactly. It's like a danger is lurking somewhere in the shadows, getting ready to pounce, so I peer over my shoulder every now and again just to make sure I'm not being followed. I was waiting for something to just pop out and scare me to death, however, a strange wave of confidence fills me when I get the feeling that staying within the vicinity of the streetlights will keep me out of harm's way. I jump suddenly upon hearing a loud, metal bang behind me and start to walk faster while checking over my shoulder, which was clearly a mistake, since I trip over something as soon as I do. I hear a small crunch as I slip on the object and fall forward onto my stomach, getting the wind knocked out of me, as my chin hits the road.

That sound, thankfully, didn't come from me, but it was still a painful blow. I sit up and wince as I lightly rub the scrape beneath my jaw in hopes to soothe the pain that shot through my teeth upon impact with the ground. As I do this, I look to see what I had stepped on and nearly vomit upon seeing a severed arm lying there on the ground. I watch in horror as its fingers shakily move to drag the limb into a nearby alley as though I had simply disturbed it. I can't help but gag, feeling sickened by the trail of blood it leaves behind as it disappears from sight. My legs wobble as I force myself to stand and take a few steps back in fear without looking away, but, then, my body suddenly stops. My rapid heartbeat slows on its own as if forced to and gradually becomes nonexistent, like in my last dream. A feeling of calm washes over me as my muscles relax, but my mind still continues to race.

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