Sibling Rivalry

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

————————————————Author's POV:________________________________

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There was a loud slam when Nick was thrown against another wall followed by a hardy laugh as he gazed up at his furious brother. He wasn't really hurt by the action even though it was a bit rough on the back. It hasn't been the first time they fought, but it has been quite some time since it's been a physical one. He was amused by this.

"Haven't seen you this worked up since we were kids," he claims, jumping to his feet and sending one strong kick to Phil's stomach once he was close enough. The action sent him back a bit and caused the creature to growl. Becoming possessed by anger, he slashes his dark claws left and right at his brother who dodges with ease. "Someone's gotten sloppy," Nick teases while jumping away from the shadows that shot towards him.

He kept himself on the ground, where his own shadow can turn against him, as little as possible to evade capture, which was difficult, but he managed long enough to make it to the water. His feet land on the surface of it, but sinks no further as he prepares for his brother's next attack. Gritting his teeth, Phil holds back no longer, allowing his true form to take shape as he crouches down while gripping his shoulders. In a rage, he leaps forward into the water, pouncing on Nick and dragging the both of them under. The sound of a loud splash made Y/N jump in the arms of the stranger that keeps her a safe distance away from the fight.

"Let go," she orders, fighting his hold again. She wanted to know what was going on. What if Phil was in trouble and all she's doing is standing off to the side, doing nothing? The idea infuriated her. After all he had done for her, she's not even going to be able to help him? The mystery demon growls and grits his teeth, keeping his grip on the woman strong and secure.

"Would you stop already? I'm trying to do you a favor," he hisses in annoyance. Picking up the scent of a soul approaching quickly, the stranger hurried scoops Y/N into his arms and moves out of the way as Nick crashes into the spot they once stood after being tossed out of the water. The young woman gasped and clung to the man as he held her face against his chest to prevent her from seeing anything that's going on. They take cover beside the bed, where they'll continue to hide until the fight ends.

When Phil comes out of the water, Nick jumps on him only to be swiftly torn off and slammed onto the ground. He doesn't allow him to get up, sitting on top and reaching for the neck to dig his nails into the gills on his brother's neck. Before he can, though, Nick swipes his claw at the King's face, jamming a finger into one of his smaller eyes and ripping it out. Mephistopheles screams bloody murder as he covers the marks on his face, hissing and growling as he tries to focus on healing, but while he's distracted, the incubus kicks the man onto his side and gets up. Huffing and puffing to catch his breath, Nick runs his fingers through his wet hair, wearing a victorious grin on his face.

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