Reverse of Curses

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

—————————————————Author's POV:_________________________________

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A day had gone and past, a day in which Y/N had laid in bed with a splitting headache all alone with only Ramsey for company, though he never stayed long. He fetched her food and drinks throughout the day, but she didn't have much of a stomach for anything. She felt terrible for wasting such delicious foods, but she could hardly eat two bites. She couldn't even sew to pass the time. Her fingers shook too much and her thoughts couldn't keep straight, always wandering back to that awful arena.

All she could do was lie around, trying to sleep, which only brought out the nightmares. Her only comfort was the medicine keeping her condition at bay, but it did nothing for the corrupt thoughts and visions in her head. It was terrible. She felt alone in dealing with this. Phil couldn't help her; she wanted nothing to do with him. She didn't know what to do. That morning, after a failed attempt at breakfast, came a soft knock on the door, alerting Ramsey, who had just placed her untouched meal back onto the cart. The familiar sniffs and then faces the human for further instruction as a voice spoke from behind the door.

"It's Luther," they claim, and so, Y/N gestures for the ram to open it. The demon bows his head and allows the visitors in. Sure enough, Luther stood on the other side of the door, holding a black bag in hand, as another head popped up from around his shoulder.

"Hey, Y/N!" Koda greets with an enthusiastic wave, bringing a small smile to her face as they come in, the doctor pausing to face the butler.

"You may leave if your tasks are finished here." Nodding, the ram demon takes his cart and makes his way out the door, but not before Dakota could snatch a biscuit off the tray, which resulted in an unamused stare from the servant. He then travels out, shutting the door behind him as the two men make their way over to the bed. Luther set the bag at the foot of it, causing Y/N to give him a curious look.

"What's that for?"

"I heard about your little accident, and Luther thought I could be of some help, so I'm gonna take a little look at you, okay?" Koda answers, shifting her attention to him, but it only confused the seamstress more.

"But, isn't he the one that's the doctor?" she asks, looking back over to the taller demon who was carrying in a chair from the outside balcony to sit on so that he wouldn't be on her bed.

"Yes, but I have my own special skills, if you know what I mean."

"She doesn't. You forget she's not so accustomed to our kind yet," Luther chimes.

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