One Hell of a Castle

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•E/C: Eye Color
•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

'No... No! Why?! Why am I back here?!' I start to hyperventilate as I stay frozen in the spot I stand, looking around the familiar, dark kingdom of my nightmares. After my last experience, I can't be blamed for being afraid of the place. I pinch my arm, hoping to wake, but it only puts a small shock of pain through my arm that I rub away with teary eyes. I don't want to be here, especially with all that's happened today.

Body shaking, I grip my arms, though, it was not because I'm cold— far from that, actually. I'm sweating buckets in this heat. I had to do something to snap me out of my terrified daze. My wide, E/C orbs look up at the massive gates leading to the castle grounds that stand before me and jump when they open all on their own. Sounds like they're in need of a good oiling, for the creaks its hinges made were ear-piercing.

I stumble forward, though, not of my own will. Like before, I am being led by an invisible force, though, this time, it seems to be rougher. I gulp as I'm tugged towards the entrance of the castle and lift my trembling hand to the handles to pull open the doors. I go inside against my will, entering a dark foyer lit by metal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling by chains that have flames dancing upon the wicks of white candlesticks. Looking around, I find quite a few paths available, one straight ahead up an expertly crafted staircase that leans to the second, third and fourth floor.

At the base of the railings are stone gargoyles with huge fangs that hold large, glass balls in their claws filled with an eerie, sea-foam green, swirling fog. To the left and right of the marble steps are corridors leading into the depths of the place, lit by the smaller versions of the chandeliers in the entry hall. I gaze up at the high ceiling and can't help but note how the interior resembles that of a very fancy church, mainly because of the stained glass windows, though, it feels like a far more sinister place of worship. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, sensing a lurking danger that I'm not yet aware of, but I am forced to delve deeper into the castle. I set a hand on the polished railing before ascending the steps to the second floor.

I have the option to go left or right down dark halls, and my feet take me left. I busy myself by keeping watch, considering I have no clue where these invisible strings are taking me. Biblical paintings line the walls along with decorative tapestries that depict horrendous monsters and gory battles. Though I admire the skill of the artists who've made them, they are still very unsettling to see. Eventually, I come to a dead end, where a giant tapestry hangs on the wall, illustrating a picture of a goat with seven red eyes and multiple horns standing on its hind legs.

A chill courses through my bones upon seeing the hellish design, and I can't help but gulp as my hand is forced to reach towards it. I pull the heavy fabric enough to come face-to-face with a large, arched set of doors. I open them by tugging on the brass handles before stepping inside what appears to be a massive throne room. The first thing to catch my eye is the dome ceiling composed of red-tinted glass that allows one to see the black sky full of wispy, grey clouds and a blood red moon. If I had to guess, I'm somewhere close to the middle of the castle.

Looking around, I find that white, stone columns with torches mounted on them line the black, brick walls, and the floor is composed of grey marble, though, there is a thin, red rug with embroidered gold edges that lead up to thick, metal bars that separate half of the room. On the other side of them, there's a living space with dark, hardwood floors and tapestries on the walls. Portions of the room are blocked by large, expensive-looking changing walls with Chinese dragons printed on them, so the only furniture I can see are two sofas facing across from each other with an oval-shaped table in between composed of reddish-brown wood. The frames of the seats are carved from the same color wood and have red cushions.

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