Power Restraints

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

________________________________Your POV:________________________________

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When the morning came, I struggled to open my eyes, as my lids were heavy from sleep, and when at last I could see, it took me a moment to recognize the room I am in. I don't bother to move from my comfy position. I'm quite content where I am. I shut my eyes again with a tiny smile as I bury my face further into the pillow.

'So soft.' A yawn escapes me as my body attempts to fall back into the arms of sleep only to be disturbed by the sound of a deep chuckle.

"Up at last? Good morning, Y/N." Groaning a little, I pry open my eyes to stare at the figure now standing next to the bed. I can make out his charming smile and kind, dark eyes as I blink to focus my sight. "Did you sleep well?" I smile at my demon friend who leans over to be closer to me with his elbows supporting his weight on the mattress.

I see he is still dressed in what he wore to bed last night and his hair is a mess, so he must've woken recently as well. I nod my head lazily with half-lidded eyes, still in a sleepy state, which caused him to crack a smile. My attention, then, wanders from his face to his torso, and I take note of the details of it. Mephistopheles has broad shoulders and, though his body is so thin and stretched, he holds muscle in his arms and chest. I found it hard not to stare at times when he looks like this.

It is not the form I'm used to at all, and yet, I still found it appealing in some aspects. It's new and different. With every new day, I find myself more and more attracted to it, really, which is a good thing. I didn't want to be scared looking at his true body, and thankfully, that fear had worn off greatly since the day he revealed himself to me. "Good," is all he says as he stands up straight before turning and walking into the bathroom.

I can still see him from where I am. He did not shut the door, allowing me to watch him get ready for the day. He stood in front of the mirror, fixing his unruly hair with a brush before dressing in the clothes kept in a pile on the sink counter that he likely put there before I woke up. I felt a little shy as he brought down his pants to replace them with black slacks held up by a leather belt with a gold buckle, though, he keeps his tank top on to put a black button-up over it. He leaves it undone for now as he reaches for a container of hair gel to slick back the raven locks.

Then, something new happened. A smoke-like tendril rose from the shadow under his feet, climbing his body like a snake, as he slicked his hair back for a change, but the waves in the strands were still apparent. The dark matter shoots off his shoulder towards one of the cabinets to retrieve a bottle of cologne, which it brings back to the man before spritzing a light amount onto him. As this happens, another shadow emerges from the wall to pick up a toothbrush and prepare it for use before cleaning his pearly white teeth. Meanwhile, Mephistopheles concerns himself with dealing with the buttons on his shirt. Finished, the shadows retreat back to their original state as the demon comes out of the bathroom. Now, new ones arise from the dark corners of the room to bring him sharp, heeled black boots, which are then slipped onto his feet before the shadow splits to tie the laces neatly.

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