Wonderful Affection

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•Y/N: Your Name
•F/S: Favorite Soda {Don't drink soda? Have some good ol' water!}

Your POV:

—————————————————Your POV:_________________________________

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With a steady hand, I poke a needle in and out of the fabric in my hands, sitting comfortably on top of my new bed. The mattress is as plush as the one in Phil's room. It's been hours since he had left me in my new room, but I hardly noticed due to my focus on the project. The smile on my face never seemed to fade as I worked, watching it come together with fondness in my eyes.

At times, I did stop to take breaks, munching on the snacks that were brought in on a trolley by Ramsey earlier. The familiar didn't stick around, however, since he saw I was busy. I tuck the needle into the fabric to make sure I don't lose track of it before having a sip of F/S, then decide to eat a bag of chips along with it. I pop open a small bag of them and take a few pieces before continuing to sew. I lose myself in the therapeutic motions of stitching the seams, so much, in fact, that I neglected to notice the weight added onto the bed. Even as the mattress dipped behind me, I thought nothing of it until a pair of arms came around my shoulders to form a loose embrace. My fingers paused as delicate lips touched my neck, giving small pecks here and there. It was the cologne that gave their identity away, and I could not resist a smile as a familiar, deep voice spoke next to my ear.

"What's this?" Phil asks while running a clawed finger down the middle of the plush object I was piecing together, his voice conveying a mix of curiosity and amusement. It was nearly done, just missing a few finishing touches, but I'm sure he knew very well what it depicted.

"Isn't it cute?" I hold the toy in a way that he could view it better. "It's a mini you." The man chuckles and takes the plush from my hand to observe it more closely, giving it a gentle squeeze. When I looked behind at him, I spotted a faint blush forming on his pale cheeks, which made my smile grow a bit bigger. "It was supposed to be a surprise," I add while peering over at a clock. Time really did fly by. "I guess I wasn't fast enough, though." The toy is returned to me and is followed by a kiss on the top of my head.

"How sweet you are." He chuckles again warmly, to which I shake my head before leaning back against him and continuing to sew the hair to the doll's head. "So, did you decide on if you want to sleep in here from now on?" I give a small hum in thought and feel warm in the chest as I give my answer in a small voice.

"Actually, so long as you don't mind, I think I'd like to keep staying in your room at night. Not that I don't appreciate the room or anything, I just..." I trail off and clear my throat, feeling a tad embarrassed especially when he began laughing. It wasn't a hardy sound; rather, it was light and airy.

"Of course I don't mind. I already told you, didn't I?" he reminds with a slight purr to his voice. My face flushed when I recalled his comment about "enjoying my company in bed" earlier and was about to playfully shove at his face until his lips met my neck again. He opened his mouth and began sucking at the flesh, causing me to gasp and drop the toy onto my lap. Delighted by the reaction, he laughs again lowly in a seductive manner before teasing the base of my neck with his sharp canines.

Breath caught in my throat, I do my best not to shy away, even as my heart beats heavily within my chest. He starts on another mark in a spot higher than the first as I eased against him, convincing myself not to worry so much. His teeth brought up memories of the bite wound scarring the other side of my neck, but at the same time, this felt nice. My fingers wander to his thigh and clutch the fabric of his pants. His legs are positioned on both sides of me, keeping me between them, and as for his arms, they moved to my waist where he held me even tighter.

Phil was only satisfied after I began letting out embarrassing noises and parted from the tender skin with a smile before kissing my cheek. "We can continue later if you'd like, but it'll have to wait until after dinner." Taking my jaw into his palm he turns my face and meets my lips before slipping away, getting up and straightening his clothes. He then gave a taunting smirk, knowing full well that I enjoyed it.

'What a tease.' With a hand on the markings, I stand as well after setting aside my project, leaving the demon's toy replica on the mattress.

"I'm, uh... Just going to change real quick," I excuse before scurrying past into the walk-in-closet and close myself inside. I take a breath to calm myself while skimming my fingers over the darkened spots on my neck, but I couldn't keep the smile off my lips. When I look into the mirror in the room, I lower my hand to view them fully and realize just how visible they are.

'I should definitely find something to cover that.' Having my first good look at my new selection of clothes, I find it hard to pick something right away. I wanted to wear something nicer than usual to dinner, so I sift through the lovely blouses and dresses until I land on a certain dress I liked. It's black with specks of white and shiny gold with a skirt that should reach down to my knees. There are no sleeves, which would leave my shoulders bare, but the neck of it will be tall enough to cover both of Phil's love-bites.

I undress and slip it on, adding black heels and golden jewelry to complete the look before examining myself in the mirror. The outfit was very flattering to my figure, and so, I was satisfied, leaving the closet happily; although, Phil seemed a little surprised by my pick.

"What?" I ask, feeling a little self-conscious under his silent gaze— Even more so after I recalled him once telling me how some demons might take advantage of me if I wear something too revealing. Did this count as too revealing? I certainly don't want to wind up in a situation like that... again. "I'll change if—" I cut myself off when he picks up my chin and smiles.

"You look beautiful, Y/N." His compliment caught me off guard, but it relieved me too. I smile back at him as he drops his hand to hold mine and escorts me out of the room.

"Are you sure it's not too much?" I ask to be certain. Picking up on the reason why I was so worried, he assures me.

"Wear whatever your heart desires. If anyone decides to make a spectacle of it, I'll make sure they regret it." Though his words were quite chilling, they were comforting as well. He bends down for a kiss, and I can't help but question,

"You've been kissing me an awful lot today. Any specific reason?"

"Well, I suppose I'm trying to make up for scaring you. I want to show how much I care about you and don't want you to think bad things about me. Besides, I feel like I haven't been affectionate enough with you. I don't want you to assume that I might not like you anymore, or something like that." This time, I'm the one to laugh at him as I lean against his arm.

"Don't worry about it. Kiss me whenever it feels right. I'm not in any rush. To be honest, I prefer to take things slow." Instinctively, I squeeze his hand, the momentary thought of Clyde crossing my mind. Going slow with him ended in a foul result, but surely Phil won't be the same. He is much different than him. As if he read my mind, he let go to wrap his arm around my shoulders and hold me close for comfort. "I already know you care about me. You came to my rescue all the time. I have no reason to believe otherwise. Yesterday was not a great day, obviously. You did scare me a bit, but you were tense and scared as well. I'm not going to hold that against you." He smiles at me.

"As long as you know." He kisses the top of my head as we continue our way to the dining room to meet Marquas for dinner. The action made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

'I definitely made the right decision coming here.'

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