When the White Fleece Greys

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

——————————————————____________________________________Author's POV:____________________________________

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"Sit," demands the fallen angel, his eyes narrowing in on the frail figure of the woman who gulps and nods her head before coming to the table. His gaze follows her as he waves his hand towards Phil's familiar in dismissal. "Leave us. This is a private matter." Y/N felt her heart drop when she noticed his serious tone. When she had met him before, while a bit intimidating, he had been pretty relaxed. Now that he was speaking so firm and formally, it made her nervously wring her hands atop her lap as she sat across from the man, head bowed as Ramsey left through the passageway hidden behind one of the old bookcases. "Raise your head and look me in the eye." Taking a deep breath, she looked up at him through her tears, causing him to slump his shoulders a bit with a rough sigh.

"I'm aware of the situation you've been put in, so you know." Slightly, her hands tightened around each other as she clenched her jaw and shut her eyes. "He won't quit whining about it. For someone so level-headed, I've never seen him so torn up." Lucifer's nails halt their tapping to dig into the table, making her flinch. "As his close friend and overseer, naturally, you can understand why I'm quite a bit upset about this. He can hardly concentrate on anything else. Not only that, but you actually dared to even call him a monster."

"I... It's this curse." She whimpers bringing a hand to her head. "It's been messing with my thoughts—"

"I'm well aware of that," he snaps, though his voice was deathly calm, undeterred by her excuses. "I don't care what sort of curse it is, it is feeding off of thoughts already implanted in that head of yours. Don't bother denying it. I have heard the reports from Luther. I know all the details about what is happening to you. Say it. Say that you thought him a monster, truly. That it had crossed your mind at least once." Her lips sealed shut as her heart began pounding.

"Please, stop. It hurts."

"I don't care. You will tell me. That is an order." The fallen angel straightened himself up, and it panicked her even more.

"Yes!" She shouts back at him, gripping her head and pulling at her hair as those awful scenes played in her head. "Does that make you happy to hear that? Because it certainly doesn't make me feel that way! You think I want to feel like this? To feel hatred towards the one person who's shown me nothing but love and kindness?" Her voice, though it had started bold, weakened under his harsh gaze as her hands fell limp against the table and she hunched over it.

"It hurts. It hurts so bad. Trust me, I want this to go away more than anyone, but nothing is working to fix it, and it's only getting worse. I keep seeing things that aren't there; I can hear him taunting me in my head even though I know he would never; every night I dream of him killing and torturing me in the worst ways. I have been suffering horribly. This won't stop. I know it won't."

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