New Beginnings

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The next few days passed by quicker than I would've liked. It was all a blur, really, and I was busier than I've ever been trying to get things in order. Mainly, I've gotten ahold of any friends I could reach to spend time with them a final time and have even attempted to find my mother for a little while to no avail. I wasn't expecting much from my search anyways. She hasn't been a part of my life for a long time, but I thought I'd at least try.

I also informed most of my regular customers of my move, and they all seemed sad about it. Seeing so many dejected faces has made me feel a bit regretful. As much as I know this move will be the best option, I can't help but be a little depressed about abandoning this life. Another thing that took up a lot of my time was showing Barbra how to run the shop, but I think she's got a handle on it now. She's been helping me work these past few days, and she's hardly left my side to spend every moment with me, which was very nice of her.

I know she'll probably be the most devastated when I go, but I'm also relieved that she's supportive of my decision. All that's left now is to pack up my things, then it'll be off to Hell with me. My pace was slow walking beside my demon companion, as I saw no reason to rush home. To be honest, I've been stalling. I'm not quite ready to leave yet, so I took my time admiring the little things about my soon-to-be-old life from the sun and stars to the small, family restaurant down the street from my apartment that sells the absolute best pies. I roll my shoulder, which holds the strap of my bag, and then my sore neck before letting out a soft sigh. I'm not carrying much— just my wallet, pills and some fabric. I left my phone at home on accident, though, it hadn't been the first time this week. I've been so busy that I hardly even thought about it.

"Do you smell that?" I mutter aloud, noticing an odd, smokey scent in the air. It was almost overbearing. I hear Mephistopheles sniffing as I sped up my pace, finding it odd that the smell was coming from father down the street ahead of us. My eyes widen when I realize it's coming from somewhere near the apartment. I gasp and break into a sprint only to skid to a stop when a crowd of people block my path. My hands fly over my mouth at the sight of the fire that consumed not only my building, but the others beside it. Firefighters ran frantically in and out of the buildings to pull out pets and people from the blaze while also trying to put it out with their hoses. I felt suffocated by the smoke and heat as my brow began to sweat. I couldn't believe my eyes.

'How could this have happened?' My heart pounds heavily in my chest as my teary eyes gaze up at my bedroom window, able to see a flickering flame inside before the glass is broken by the temperature.

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