The Fortune Teller

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•Y/N: Your Name

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"Shit," I mutter, standing inside of Phil's bathroom in the early morning with a certain container in my hand.

"Are you all right in there?" questions the man himself out of concern. I walk out through the open door and find the demon sitting on the bed, lightly squeezing the plush toy I made of him that I had finished last night. I reveal to him my medicine bottle and rattle the remaining two pills inside.

"I'm almost out." He hums, appearing less worried than myself after I explained, and sets the doll aside before standing up.

"Is that all?" Phil holds out his hand, and so, I pass him the bottle, which he looks over in thought before stuffing it into his coat pocket and walking over to a drawer in the room. He opens it and pockets something else that I was not able to see due to his body blocking the way. Next, he brings his hand behind his neck to summon the scorpion from his tattoo, which then crawls onto his hand and meets the demon's dark eyes. The optics flash red before the arachnid is released, dropped onto the floor, before it scurries out under the crack in the door to do whatever it was told to do. After it's gone, Phil turns to me. "I know someone who can get you a refill. Hopefully, they'll be home today." He ushers me over to him, so I link my arm with his as he opens the door that leads out into the corridor.

"Really?" He nods.

"He specializes in medicine for humans, plus he's very open about the idea of sheep, which is good," he explains, though he seems a little reluctant about going. Perhaps he's not on the best terms with this man?

"You really think he can make a replica?" Phil nods confidently.

"Perhaps something better. I should've brought you to him sooner, now that I think about it. It just hasn't crossed my mind until now." I find myself getting a little excited now. Something better than my own medication would be fantastic!

As soon as we're off the castle grounds, Mephistopheles was free to teleport us to the front steps of a large, old mansion with a small garden out front. I stumbled a bit when we first appeared, not quite used to the teleportation thing. It left me feeling a bit dizzy. We ascend the stone steps before reaching a set of tall doors, which Phil knocks on using the knocker in the shape of a gargoyle head.

He uses it three times before waiting, and once the doors parted, I had to squint at the assault to my eyes from the bright interior and light. The foyer was enormous and pristine with two staircases leading up to the second floor, and up on the ceiling is a big, round skylight with an intricate design of a black cross upside down with arrows on the ends and a red eye in the center, which appeared to be staring down at us. From the center hangs a fancy chandelier of crystal, and underneath that, stands a small table topped with a vase of flowers that add color to the predominantly white space.

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