Medicine Man

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"What are you doing here, Mephistopheles?" If possible, his glare had strengthened before it fell onto my seated form. I shot up immediately, hands clasped in front of me while avoiding directly meeting such stern eyes, taking to the floor instead. A black claw gestures to me from my left.

"I have a patient," Phil answers calmly, unbothered by Luther's curt tone. With a quirked brow, he approaches, eyes solely on me again. With the two demons now so close to each other, I can see that they are of equal height, but oddly enough, it made Luther seem ten times scarier because of how he towered over me. I felt stressed under his shadow as he gave a few light sniffs.

"She's alive?" He sounded surprised as he turned his head towards my companion with a raised brow. "What is someone like you doing with a living human?"

'Someone like him? What does that mean?' I don't know why; it just seemed very off-putting with the way he said that. Maybe I'm overthinking it? Phil clearly stated that he disliked humans before, so I decide to brush it off.

"If you must know, she's my sheep. I thought for sure Koda would've blabbed about it, seeing as he already knows." Luther gave a huff.

"We take having a sheep seriously, Mephistopheles. It isn't something you gossip about. You know that." His words came out with spite, making me flinch a little.

'Luther's not a very nice man, is he? It seems like he has a grudge against him.' Phil releases a soft sigh.

"Right. Forgive me for assuming." He reaches into his coat pocket for the pill bottle before tossing it to Luther. He caught it with ease and skimmed over the label as Mephistopheles explained. "She needs a refill."

"I see." Lowering the container, the man turns back towards me with a somewhat softer look in his eyes. "Very well, then. I'll take care of it." Luther reaches out his hand, shocking me with a pat on the head that was meant to reassure and soothe me. "Follow me. I'll give you a check-up along with something that'll be far more effective than this trash. George!" he called sharply, making me jump as the mute servant in the room comes closer and bows. The doctor passes the bottle to him. "Throw this away." The butler nods and does his bidding, while Luther leads us deeper into the mansion. I walk side-by-side with Phil, holding his arm to calm myself, and receive a gentle pet on the head.

"Don't be nervous. He won't hurt you," he assures in a low whisper. Luther breathes out a bitter scoff that somewhat resembled a laugh before peering at us from over his shoulder, that stern look engraved in his dark eyes.

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