Stubborn Silence

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Constantly fading in and out of consciousness, I stood in the bathroom a long time trying to clean and bandage the bite wound on my neck. Now that my panic attack had worn off a bit, I can feel the full force of the burning pain coursing through my entire upper body. With each movement, let alone touch, I felt like I might die. I found myself having to sit on the sink due to my legs' desire to give out from under me. I think it might need stitches, or perhaps not. I don't even know. My mind feels so blurred, I can't think straight.

'Where the hell is Phil when I need him? Why did he leave me to do this by myself?' In the end, all I could do was wash off the blood and disinfect it as best I could before clumsily wrapping bandages around it. I've never had to deal with such a big injury before, so I did a poor job dressing it up. Oh well, it's the best I could do under the current circumstances.

I pop a pain pill in hopes it'll help ease this unbearable pain before stumbling back into my room using the wall as a crutch, I felt I might faint then and there, but Phil told me to stay up, so I'll do my best to obey him. I walk up to the window and have a look outside after opening the it a bit with the arm on my uninjured side as to not irritate the wound, thinking the fresh air would help. Looking out at the horizon, I find the sun just starting to peek into the darkness, meaning I must've spent a few hours in that bathroom, though, I didn't exactly catch the time I woke up at, so for all I know, it was only a few minutes ago. I bring a hand to my throbbing head and feel an intense heat.

'Damn, a fever too. What's next? Are the aliens coming to abduct me?' Groaning, I stumble back, over to the bed and sit. I focus on breathing and staying awake. As I sat there, I began to feel weary, since Phil hasn't come back yet. He said he would return soon, didn't he? I felt the need to cry. I didn't want to be alone, not when I'm this out of it. I think I might puke.

'What if something happened? What if he never returns? What if he just leaves me here?' A soft sob escapes my lips. I know these are some pretty drastic thoughts, but honestly, can you blame me? Everything wrong happens in my life. I never am able to catch a break, so him disappearing on me might just be next on the list of things that might kill me. Aside from the fact that I've grown rather fond of the mysterious creature, I know that he must've figured out what's happened to me, or perhaps he's just known the whole time. I need answers.

I understand he likes his privacy, but things like this aren't okay to hide from me. I'm getting involved in something I know nothing about. I'm terrified, not only for my life, but for my sanity as well. These dreams, these nightmares, I can't help but feel a connection between them, like a secret message of some sort, but I'm just too stupid to decode it myself. This is too much for me.

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