Caring Companion

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•E/C: Eye Color
•Y/N: Your Name
•H/L: Hair Length

Your POV:

—————————————————Your POV:__________________________________

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As always, I was left in awe walking up the driveway to Barbra's parents' massive home. The place has two levels with a three door garage and a balcony that juts out over the entrance. The white siding contrasted nicely with the dark blue roofing, and there are plenty of windows, though, most are covered by curtains.

 The white siding contrasted nicely with the dark blue roofing, and there are plenty of windows, though, most are covered by curtains

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I stop at the front door and knock on the wood firmly before waiting patiently for an answer. A moment later, it opens to reveal an older woman with long, grey hair tied into two elegant braids that fall over each shoulder, while any loose strands were pinned back by baby blue, flower clips that match her stern eyes. She's the maid here, so she's dressed up in a simple black uniform. Barb's parents are busy people, so they have cooks, maids and butlers that live with them and take care of the place, but they only have one or two of each. Honestly, though, this woman always scared me. She makes me feel like if I were to do a single thing wrong in this house, I'd be whacked with a spoon. I smile anxiously and greet her respectfully.

"Evening, Amy. I just came by to—"

"Y/N!!!" Shouts Barbra from behind the old lady before running past her and locking me in a tight embrace that gets a laugh out of me as I hug her back. "I know it hasn't been that long, but it felt like forever since I've seen you!"

"Calm down." I breathe out a laugh and smile. "There's no need to exaggerate."

'Though, I did miss this.' Softly, I sigh, my grin falling when I recall why I came here. I'm the one to pull away first and Barb settled down after seeing my expression.

"Can we talk?" My eyes drift over to Amy, who watches us with an intense stare and gulp. "Alone, preferably." My friend gives a look of concern, but nods her head before taking my hand.

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