Familiar Faces

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/C: Hair Color

Your POV:

I awaken surrounded by a cold presence that makes me shiver as my eyes flutter open. I find myself staring directly at the face of a familiar, dark-haired individual who appears to be the source of the frigid temperature. Phil's eyes are shut, leading me to think that he's still asleep, but, knowing him, he might just be resting the blue orbs. Unfazed by his closeness, I groggily mutter, "Let go, you overgrown ice pack."

I then turn over to lie on my right side so that my back could face him. My legs curl some as I shiver once again while clinging to the covers in attempts to get warm. My eyes close in hopes that I'll go back to sleep, but, seconds later, I notice the temperature of Phil's body steadily rising to a comfortable level. I make a confused face while peeking over my shoulder to stare at him with a raised brow. His eyes remain shut, but an innocent smile stretches his pale pink lips.

"Better?" He asks in a low tone that sends a chill down my spine.

'He has an attractive morning voice.' My cheeks heat up a little at the thought, but I play it off by rolling my eyes and getting back into my comfy position. Phil's grip tightens slightly around my waist, making me realize that he is spooning me. This makes my face so much hotter than before.

"I- I should go get ready." I slip out of the man's arms and walk over to my dresser to pick out my outfit for the day. I hear a disappointed groan from the bed followed by the shuffling of sheets as the male sits up. The sound causes my cheeks to darken in color.

"What a shame. I quite enjoyed holding you like that," he comments with an almost seductive purr. When I glance over at the mirror, I find a smirk plastered on his face as he waits for my response. Internally squealing like a crazy person, I turn my heel and point shakily at him while trying to keep my cool.

"You... You shut your face!"

'Fuck!' Cursing myself mentally, I take my clothes and leave the room while being laughed at by the creature in my bed.

'I should've just kept my mouth shut.' I sigh while stepping into the bathroom and shut the door behind me before setting the clothes on the sink to undress. I throw on a black button-up before slipping on blue, skinny jeans and black, ankle socks.

 I throw on a black button-up before slipping on blue, skinny jeans and black, ankle socks

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'Why was he holding me like that anyway? For comfort, or...' I shake my head. It's better not to think about it. After I'm dressed, I throw my clothes in the hamper and go to the kitchen to make some breakfast. While munching on the toast I made, I fixed myself a lunch and grabbed my bag to put it inside. I sling it over my shoulder before going to my bedroom, where I find Phil buttoning up his trench coat. He turns to me with a smug smile, but I ignore it.

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