Unexpected Visitor

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Your POV:

—————————————————Your POV:_________________________________

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Oh, to awaken next to a sleeping demon king all cozy in bed. I couldn't help smiling upon opening my eyes this morning to find him still there beside me, eyes shut and face calm. It was rare to find him like this. Usually, he's up before me, getting ready for work, but today, I finally managed to get up before him. It was nice to see him so peaceful, also.

These past few weeks, I've noticed he's been tense ever since our visit to Koda and Luther. He hid it well, but eventually, I began noticing little things. He seems to always have words sitting on the end of his tongue, and this uncertain stare would sometimes cross his eyes when he looked at me. I never pushed him to say anything, though. Whatever it is, I'm sure he'll find the right words to say it in time, but he's been worn out more lately too.

Perhaps, I am only imagining things, and he is just feeling overworked? I understand that feeling. He's gone most of the day, aside from the occasional break, which he would always spend with me to make sure I wasn't lonely. I can only imagine how hard he works to keep a kingdom like this running, so I never felt upset with the absence. He has a duty to uphold, after all. He's doing his best to make time for both me and his job.

During the times he isn't there, though I've kept myself busy in my room, sewing and sketching like mad to fill the void. It isn't too far from Phil's room, so I go there regularly whenever Ramsey stops by so that I could be escorted. I prefer it that way, and it assured my demon companion that I would be safe traveling the halls. The last thing we need is another incident to happen. With gentle touch, I reach out to the cold face of the sleeping king, starting at the cheekbone and traveling down to the hairs of his pointed beard. It was a bit messy from sleep, but soft. As my thumb brushed against a portion of his bottom lip, his mouth curved into a small, amused smile before a soft chuckle accompanied it.

"Good morning," he mutters, deeply in a groggy morning voice before leaning forward to kiss my head. As always, my chest fluttered happily when he did as a smile touched my own lips. All four of his eyes blink open tiredly as he groaned and shuffled a bit. He then sat up and threw the covers off his lap before getting up and getting ready for the day. I sit up as well but remain in bed, waiting for him to finish to receive the usual goodbye kiss on the forehead. As he did so, he pushed away strands of my disheveled hair that were in his way before rubbing a full circle on both my cheeks with his thumbs as he pulled away. "I'll see you later at lunch." Phil couldn't stay much longer, unfortunately. As I raised my hand to one of his, he was already slipping from my grasp, the sensation of his skin lingering on mine.

"Have a good day." He nods once in thanks for my words before leaving. Still a bit sleepy, I lie back down and close my eyes for about another hour until Ramsey came knocking on the door. I begrudgingly slipped out of bed to let him in. A breakfast cart rolls in first followed by the familiar who was dressed in his usual black suit.

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