A Loving Demon

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•Y/N: Your Name

Mephistopheles' POV:

—————————————————Mephistopheles' POV:_________________________________

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The halls are silent as I make my way to my room, my footfalls being the only prominent sound. It's one of the reasons I prefer living on this floor. I hardly ever wake up from the sound of a loud neighbor because everyone knows all Hell would break loose if I were ever disturbed. I welcome the quiet, since I have been listening to nothing but screaming for the past few hours. I'm absolutely exhausted.

I unlock the door and slip inside, finding it pleasantly dark. I run a hand through my hair and yawn, running into a small knot or two in the curled locks. I never did brush it after it had gotten wet. No wonder it's tangled up. I look over to the bed as I slip off my coat and take off my shoes. There, I see my sheep sleeping peacefully atop the covers.

I'm glad to see she's getting rest. It has been a tough day for the both of us. I am angry with myself for being so careless. I brought her here thinking it would be safe, but I did not realize just how many dangers were lurking at every corner. If she gets killed on my watch, I could never forgive myself.

I wish I could do the ceremony, or at least mark her, because if she dies beforehand, she'll end up facing the gates of Heaven, not Hell. We'd be separated forever. My heart would not be able to bear that pain. I bet an angel would just love taking her away just to spite me even if the situation was explained. They always did have beef with us demons, thinking we're lowly for the sort of work we do when they are no better.

We carry out the Creator's tasks, same as them, so I really don't understand how they could be so petty. They're still salty over Lucifer is my guess. They're probably upset he gets to reign this entire realm during his punishment, even though God themself had allowed it. Well, she's safe now. That's all that matters. I'll just have to be more careful from this moment on.

I grab myself fresh clothes for bed and take a quick shower to wash myself of the day's filth. I practically melt under the steaming hot water, which relaxes all my muscles. If I were not so tired, I would've liked to stay under the shower head all night. Even when I step out, my skin retains its ice cold temperature, much to my dismay. I was in the human realm for a long time, though, so I expected it would take a while to regain body heat.

Once dressed in the comfortable clothes I have chosen, I run a comb through my hair and dry it before coming out of the bathroom. Steam follows after me in wisps at my feet as I silently walk over to the bed, where I gaze down at Y/N. I smile softly at her while caressing her cheek with the back of my finger. She's holding onto the bunched covers as though she was replacing a body, which I found simply adorable. I feel bad for making her wait so long.

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