Servant for a Day

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

————————————————Author's POV:________________________________

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The servant woman continues to drag around the poor, frightened sheep, taking her down stairways and through the winding corridors. If Y/N wasn't lost before, she surely was now. Nothing she saw looked familiar, not the pictures, the doors or the drapes. Finally, the old woman stops in an empty hall and turns to the younger one.

"Here's a supply closet. You should find what you need inside. I would stay and help, but I have my own duties to attend to. I haven't even started cleaning his majesty's room yet. You have set me back quite a bit. I will have to hurry." She sounds frustrated, but also terrified at the thought of Mephistopheles finding out she did not do her tasks. If there was one person she did not want to anger, it was him. Without further guidance, she turns and leaves the clueless human alone. Y/N groans, brows scrunched in frustration, as she tries to figure out what to do.

'I really don't want to walk around blindly and risk getting myself into more trouble. If I get caught by an unfriendly demon, then what?' She wished she knew Phil's whereabouts or the direction of any familiar places: the bedroom, the dining room or throne room, but instead, she is someplace new.

'I guess I just... clean and hope for the best. Maybe that lady will come back after cleaning the room?' She has no clue if the servant really would return, but it was all she could hope for at the moment. The hallway's empty, which is good for her, but who knows how long that will stay true. She'd rather not think about that scenario. After a few calming breaths, Y/N opens the supply closet to find a metal cart inside prepped with numerous sprays, rags, a bucket, a mop, a broom, and a... handheld vacuum.

'Is that it?' She moves the cart, hoping to find a full-size vacuum behind it, but sadly, there wasn't. The woman lets out a groan while looking down the long stretch of hall she is meant to clean. Y/N closes the door and moves the cart against the wall before picking up the small vacuum.

'Well, I suppose cleaning isn't supposed to be easy in Hell.'

While Y/N concerns herself with her frustrating task, the King of Demons was seated on his throne, chin resting on the palm of his cold hand as he watches two male servants exiting the room, in a hurry to do his bidding. They are off to find his sheep a suitable bedroom close to his own. Mephistopheles gave them detailed instructions on how he wants it to look, wanting it to be perfect for his precious pet. As much as he loves having her sleep beside him at night, he wanted to give her a place to be if she ever wants her own space. Its construction would take a long time, considering he will be using human labor, but it's Hell. The whole point is to have tainted souls perform backbreaking work for their keepers, plus he could have Y/N in his room for a bit longer.

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