Dinner Plans

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

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I hang tightly to Phil's hand as we travel the maze-like halls of the castle to ensure that we are not separated, though it is a little difficult keeping up when he moves so quick with those long legs of his. It almost feels like he's dragging me around, though I know he isn't doing it on purpose. Eventually, he does take notice of my struggle and slows his pace, to my relief. I'm honestly amazed by how easily he can navigate, but I suppose it makes sense, since he's lived here a lot longer than I have. I become aware of him avoiding certain paths sometimes even though we'd start down them. Perhaps, he sensed something dangerous up ahead in those cases; in which case, I'm glad he led me a different way.

"Finally," he mutters to himself while stopping in front of a pair of large doors, seemingly relieved that our longer-than-necessary walk has come to an end. I too am glad about that. My feet are starting to ache. Phil pushes them open and steps aside to let me peer in, and to say I was shocked was an understatement. Before me is a magnificent and massive dining room, where a very long table stands in the center beneath a giant, upside-down tree that acts as a chandelier with branches full of dangling lights and strings of crystals. The thick roots are imbedded into the brick ceiling, securing it into place and the walls are made completely of stone.

 A majority of the seats are already taken, occupied by a variety of demons that are all shapes and sizes, while in the corner of the room, a figure plays a grand piano dressed in a black tailcoat

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A majority of the seats are already taken, occupied by a variety of demons that are all shapes and sizes, while in the corner of the room, a figure plays a grand piano dressed in a black tailcoat. With their back turned to me, all I can say about their looks is that they have dark brown hair, greasily slicked back by gel, and enormous antlers white as bone. I take a deep breath upon seeing them and become especially nervous when they start turning their heads in our direction. Immediately they stand from their seats and the music ceased, everyone facing us. I relax and watch in awe as they all bow their heads respectively to their king, who stands at my side, before going back to eating and conversing — the pianist returning to his instrument.

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