A Story's Other Half

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————__________________________________Author's POV:__________________________________

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With an encouraging nudge behind her back from Lord Lucifer, Y/N nervously walked through an open hatch in the floor, appearing in what she recognized as the caged part of the throne room, more specifically behind one of the decorative room dividers that blocked her view of the rest of the space. She had to receive yet another light shove to keep going after having frozen in fear. Lucifer wasn't about to let her turn back now. Her only path was forward. Inhaling a deep breath, Y/N raises her chin and shuffles forth, leaving the confines of the cage, where the fallen angel remains to bear witness to what would occur.

Even if this was a private matter, he didn't think she would have enough confidence to go through with it if he wasn't there as a silent threat to stay. Her feet moved slower as she kept her distance from the throne while walking around it, unable to look there just yet, though she was building the courage. Her chest felt heavy, as did her legs, but one glance back at Lucifer's hard gaze made her continue anyways. Fully facing the throne, she opened her eyes and looked up only to be struck with a horrid wave of sickness that sent her onto her hands and knees, trembling and covering her mouth to keep from vomiting.

Screaming filled her ears that was difficult to ignore as that wicked expression of joy Phil wore in that arena burrowed into her sights. What she had seen was his face covered in blood, crusted and dried down his cheeks in streams. His eyes were not open, no. He wasn't even awake. Days of exhaustion had finally caught up to him, and he fell asleep right there, on his throne, his face propped against his fist as he leaned against the back of the chair in a manner that didn't look very comfortable. He was so deep into his slumber that he didn't even realize who was there with him now, but that didn't make the situation any less frightening to his petrified sheep. A voice from behind the throne calls to her attention.

"He's still asleep, isn't he? 'Bout time he rested. He hasn't slept at all since you've fallen ill." Lord Lucifer, naturally, still sounded irked with her because of the sorrow she was causing the demon, but he managed to keep his tone tamed. He would decide if she were worthy of his fury or not after this ordeal was sorted. Y/N felt that intense rage, and it put more pressure on her shoulders, more than she thought she could bear. As if she didn't have enough on her plate already. Angering him would be the last thing she wanted.

"D- Does he really have blood on him, or am I just having another vision?" She questions, her voice quiet, but she knew he would hear it. It just looked so real.

"Oh, it's real all right." At that, her heart sunk as the fallen angel took his seat on one of the red sofas. "Demons can't really cry, you see. A little fault in the design, you can say. However, if they try hard enough, something pops near the inner eye, and they start bleeding tears. It's very painful, apparently, and you've been the cause of that." Y/N gulps, wishing she could tell him to shut up, but that would definitely not go in her favor. She was on thin ice with him already.

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