The Things We're Afraid to Hear

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Author's Note:

Hello, everybody. I'd just like to mention that there may or may not be a few rough topics discussed in this chapter. It goes a little more in detail about the way things are handled in Hell, which might make a few of you guys uncomfortable, or not. You might've already suspected some of this. I just thought I'd bring it up just in case. Regardless, I hope you're enjoying the story and will like the chapter ahead. Thank you for reading my little note here.

You may proceed.


•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

—————————————————___________________________________Author's POV:___________________________________

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    Feeling eyes on him, Phil's lips were tempted to twist upwards into a smile as his dark optics focused to his right, into the bedroom as he trimmed his beard without worry of making a mistake. A pair of E/C ones stared back at him, looking a bit confused, which made him chuckle as he put down the cutters.

"Good morning."

"When did we get back here?" Looking around the bedroom, Y/N recognized it as their own when last she remembered they were in Koda's manor watching movies until late.

"You fell asleep, so I brought you home," he explains. "Breakfast is on the table, darling." The nickname sent a pleasant tingle down her spine as she smiled lightly and stepped out of bed into a pair of cream slippers that awaited her on the floor. She sat at the table and stared at her breakfast for a moment, baked eggs stuffed with bacon and cheese and a fresh croissant on the side. A hot cup of coffee steamed near the dishes, a second one sitting near Phil's untouched food. Everything still looked hot, so Ramsay must've come recently. As he neared the table, Phil lingered by his chair, claws grasping the back of it as he gazed at his sheep.

"Will you be alright to eat with me?" Y/N shifted her gaze to him and gave a light nod along with a smile that he returned as he took his seat. She still didn't make a motion to eat, though everything looked tasty. Meanwhile, his utensils were already in hand. She just wanted her stomach to settle a bit beforehand.

"I didn't ask before, but how was your conversation with Luther? You didn't look as tense when you came to find me. Everything work out?"

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