Unfinished Business

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•Y/N: Your Name
•H/C: Hair Color

Your POV:

———————————————Your POV:_____________________________

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There was a smile on the demon's face when he heard my answer. He looked so happy, it was like he was ready to pick me up and twirl around with me in his arms. Mephistopheles opens his mouth only for his words to silence when my ringtone plays from the other room. Before I could tell him to ignore it, he walks away and returns with my phone in his clawed hand. He glares softly at the screen before handing it to me, allowing me to see who's calling.

"Clyde," I mutter in annoyance, really not wanting to talk to him, but a hand stops me from declining the call. I look up at my tall companion, who sits beside me and lets go of my hand after giving it a soft squeeze.

"Go ahead. You can answer it." I really don't want to, especially after our intense conversation, but at the same time, I do feel like I should. I don't know what he wants to say, but I guess, if anything, I could tell him I'm not interested in talking to him. Heaving a sigh, I press answer and hold the phone up to my ear, my lips forming a small frown as I speak in an uninterested voice.


"Hey, Y/N!" Chimes the cheery voice of my ex, which only dampens my mood further.

"What're you calling for, Clyde?" My hand wanders from my lap in search of another's, so the demon meets me halfway, gripping my smaller hand snugly, while my own grip is weak. His leathery thumb rubs soft circles on the back of it before it's brought to his lips for a delicate kiss that made my heart throb. A smile tugs at my lips, but it disappears the moment Clyde speaks again.

"Sorry, I know you're probably not interested in talking to me right now, but I have a good reason, I swear. You dropped your keys earlier. I have them on me right now, actually." My spirits lift after hearing that as I breathe a sigh of relief. I thought I was going to have to change the locks.

"Oh, thank Go-" I cut myself short, eyes drifting over towards the creature at my side, who bears a sly grin upon catching onto why I stopped, his brow arching a bit. I shove him with my elbow and substitute that word for another. "Goodness. When can I come get them?"

"You can come right now if you want. I'm at Barrons. That's close to you, right?"

'Barrons? What the heck is he doing there?' I wonder, knowing that restaurant is rather pricy. It's a local place, and I've been inside of it once. It's really fancy.

"Oh, gotta go. The waiter's here. See ya in a bit." Before I could even get a word in, he hangs up, so I put the phone down before raking my fingers through my unruly hair.

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