Snake Coils are Surprisingly Warm

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•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

—————————————————__________________________________Author's POV:__________________________________

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'A spell.' Y/N couldn't get over the thought. This wasn't good, not at all. It was no wonder she felt less like herself, why she thought all those horrid things about Phil so suddenly. Of course, she was shocked by what she had seen. She wasn't exactly happy to see that gore fest, but this spell on her eyes was making it all so much worse.

She wanted it gone. She wanted to think clearly again so that she could sort out her true feelings over the situation. Right now, however, she couldn't even begin thinking about him. She couldn't sort out what was real and what was not to pinpoint the answers. It was frustrating knowing that she would have to wait. It was out of her hands. She couldn't possibly fix this herself.

This is otherworldly magic, a curse brought upon her by some demon she doesn't even know. As always, she felt useless, and it irritated her. Why was she always wedged between walls on a narrow path through millions of boobytraps. There was no safe route for her, not here, not in the human realm, nowhere. It made her wonder, was she just not meant for this life? Was her existence merely a test to see just how much one could take. Y/N was nearing her breaking point. There was nothing she could do to change the outcome of her fate. She was just doomed to walk, leaking bad luck and devastation with every step.

When would it stop?

When would it end?

'Just die,' said the voice in her head. 'It would be over, then.' But... She didn't want to die. She wanted to be happy, like other people. She wanted to love and be loved in return. She wanted a somewhat stable life. She gave up everything for that, so why was she back here, back in this pit of despair? Was it truly not meant to be? Y/N jumped when a knock came to the door, but she quickly relaxed. Koda and Luther must've forgotten something.

"You can come in," she croaks, wiping her tears but avoiding the mysterious goop on her face. Immediately, her gut sank the moment Cain entered the room wearing a calm expression, which quickly morphed into confusion as his nose crinkled at an awful smell.

"What the hell happened to you, and why does it stink in here?" His purple tongue flickers out as he plugged his nose in disgust. Oddly enough, the reaction made her laugh, though quietly.

"Sorry, that would be this stuff." The woman waves a hand over her face before setting it on her lap to play with her fingers nervously. "Apparently, someone has casted a spell on me, so we tried to get it off."

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