The Worst Luck

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•Y/N: Your Name
•H/C: Hair Color
•E/C: Eye Color
•H/L: Hair Length

Your POV:

———————————————Your POV:_____________________________

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A small moan of pain escapes my lips as I roll over onto my side and squeeze my eyelids tighter after waking up from sleep. Due to having woken only moments ago, my brain feels fuzzy even as I slowly open my eyes. My vision was blurred for a few seconds, but it went away after I blinked a couple times. I breathe out a short breath from my mouth while curling my legs up a bit to lie in the fetal position. It took me a minute to realize that my head was not propped onto the plush surface of a pillow, rather I found myself resting on firm, yet squishy, thighs.

My head is on Phil's lap. I probably would've blushed, but honestly, I'm still too tired to care. He's comfy and cold. It feels nice. A tingle travels down my back as nimble fingers massage my scalp and play with my messy strands of H/C hair, causing me to smile slightly and peer up at my companion without moving my head too much.

His cerulean gaze was plastered to the quiet television, which is playing the morning news on it's screen. Likely, he lowered the volume so that it wouldn't disturb me while I slept. My shoulder stiffens just slightly as I feel his cold hand move down from my head to rub around my throbbing injury with gentle fingers. I relaxed moments later upon realizing it didn't hurt so bad anymore; in fact his touch felt rather nice on it, almost like he was icing the wound for me. Still, he was careful not to lay his hand directly on the bite mark to avoid hurting me. There were no bandages there to shield his touch if he were to accidentally perform such an action, since he had removed them for me last night, saying it'd be best to let it breathe. I was thankful he took care of the wound properly for me, though, I'm sure it will leave a nasty scar once it heals, for it feels so much better than it did yesterday.

'Maybe he has the magic touch?' I crack a smile at the thought while bringing my attention to the television. Again, they were talking about that pyromaniac on the loose, but this time, it was about a sighting. I instantly felt nervous when they said he was possibly seen in the park Phil and I went to yesterday. That means he could be close by. How scary. I release a worried sigh, capturing Phil's attention, and he looks down at me. I gaze up at him after noticing the movement and find a light smile on his lips.

"Good morning." His voice came out soft, yet the deep tone didn't fail to send a pleasant shiver down my spine as I smile back with droopy eyes. I'm still a bit sleepy and only had enough energy to respond to him with a faint hum. I stayed up later than usual last night, up until around three in the morning maybe, so it was no wonder why I feel so lethargic. My body aches slightly due to sleeping on the couch, yet I don't want to move because Phil turned out to be a very comfortable pillow. Still, I suppose I should get up. I have work.

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