Apologetic Offerings

530 33 31

•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:

—————————————————___________________________________Author's POV:___________________________________

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Day by day, the plans for the ceremony were weaving together nicely. The music situation was solved, Y/N was hard at work on their attire, while Phil handled the rest, learning all he could about what was to occur, what to implement and what to change in order to make things more comfortable for his sheep. The most recent topic was decoration, a task he wished to carry out himself to surprise his bride with a spectacle of grandeur. He wanted to see her eyes light up as soon as she opened up those doors and walked down that aisle. It had to be perfect, and so he teamed up with Lucifer to discuss, as they were now.

    A pot of piping hot tea sat on the table within the fallen angel's cage along with their cups, just refreshed by a servant of Mephistopheles who made themselves scarce as soon as they were dismissed. Neither were expecting the peace to be ruined by a visitor who had made no prior appointment to be seen by Lucifer. They had not come looking for him, after all, so they saw no point in scheduling one.

Besides, you don't usually require such things to see your brother.

    As soon as the throne room doors were opened, a casually dressed Nick strolled inside, wearing that charming, carefree grin he always wore.

     "Hello—" The incubus was silenced when his brother abruptly rose from his seat, shooting him the coldest look he'd ever seen.

     "Absolutely not. Get out of my sight," he growled, speaking firmly and with warning. Nick attempts to brush off the chill he felt by clearing his throat and holds up his hands in surrender, taking some cautious steps backwards towards the door, but he didn't intend on leaving just yet.

     "Calm down! I know you're still angry with me, but that's why I'm here." Phil bared his teeth in a snarl, growling as he left the table to approach his brother, his strides long and daunting. Nick might've teased him had they remained on good terms, but he knew better than anyone that the man could hold a grudge and had low tolerance for those he deems as pests. As of right now, he was the biggest insect in the room.

"I want to make things up to you. I'm sorry about what happened when your girl wandered into the club. I'm fully at fault for what happened, so I really hope you didn't blame her for anything— Not that I think you would! I'm sure you were fair with her." Nick cleared his throat and chuckled nervously in attempt to break the tension, which only seemed to thicken as Mephistopheles got closer. "I'm getting off topic. I heard about your union. That's great, right? Soooo, since it's human tradition to throw a party for a bride and groom before the big day, I thought I could coordinate that for you guys as a kind gesture. I want to reconcile, and besides, we're family, and family shouldn't be separated from one another!" Phil's brow twitched at his brother who had rushed anxiously to get everything off his chest, stopping right in front of him and casting a shadow over his shorter form.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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