Gluttonous Song

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————___________________________________Author's POV:___________________________________

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The scratchy sound of frantic scribbling filled the air as Y/N hunched over a table full of papers scattered across the top. Crumpled balls of unsatisfactory designs littered the floor at her feet as she hummed and hawed in frustration, looking back and forth between sketches to pick out what she hated and what she liked, occasionally flipping through a total of three magazines for inspiration. She looked crazy, Phil thought to himself as he looked up from the pages of his book with a brow arched in amusement. Marking the page with a bookmark, he decided it was time to intervene, smiling to himself as he set the novel down on the nightstand before coming up behind the madwoman. He didn't attempt to sneak up on her, ensuring his steps were loud. However, since she was so entranced by her drawings, Y/N hardly picked up on the sound and jumped with a shout when a pair of arms grasped the edge of the table on both sides of her. Her pencil froze when cold breath tickled her neck, creating a chill under the skin that she forced herself to brush off.

"I think it's time you have a break now, Y/N." The woman shook her head and returned to her sketches, pushing away any jitters gained from the approach.

"I can't. This is important."

"There's no rush, you know? We're not getting married tomorrow." The man chuckled as she puffed her cheeks and continued on.

"Maybe not, but I want it to be perfect."

"It will be perfect." Looking over to the pencil, the demon plucked it from her fingers, causing the seamstress to turn around with a,

"Hey!" The demon smirked and wiggled the pencil up and down to tease her, making her pout cutely.

"You've crumpled up the last six drawings. It's clear you've run yourself dry." Huffing, Y/N turns back around and starts to pick up her mess, defeated.

"Fine." Chuckling to himself, Phil lays the pencil back on the table before running the backs of his fingers down her face, glad it was getting easier for her to handle his touch. The action caused her to still as the black claws fanned out over her chin, ghosting her lips before pulling back along her jaw very daintily. All her tension eased as she took one big breath, accepting his hand when it was placed on her shoulder. This made him smile.

"Don't be upset, dear. You can pick it up again later." The demon king gave the woman a light squeeze, smirking a little as he pressed his thumb along the side of her spine, rubbing in circular motions around the base of her neck. The pressure felt good on her stiff shoulders and lead her to lean back. Taking it as an invitation to continue, his long fingers kneaded her shoulders, gaining pleased hums as she shut her eyes. "You really shouldn't slouch like that, you know?"

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