Hellish Creature

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After asking that, I felt the instant urge to look away due to embarrassment, also feeling like I should already know the answer. A part of me doubts because I don't quite understand him. Phil has been nothing but nice to me. He has saved my life numerous times, made me happy and has taken care of me whenever I had an episode. Why would he ever want to help a sick and unlucky shopkeeper, like me? What's so special about someone like me? I'm not worthy of his kindness. All I ever do is cause trouble for him. I can't even be away from him for a minute without getting myself into some kind of situation. Phil was silent for a moment as his aura becomes thick, almost suffocating, which fills me with worry.

'I shouldn't have asked. I should've known he wouldn't want to say anything. I'm probably annoying him with my questions... What if... What if he decides to leave me because I keep pestering him?' I clutch the sheets and hide my face in the pillows so that he wouldn't look at me, my heart clenching at the thought of him leaving me as though the time we've spent together meant nothing.

"Sorry, you don't have to answer," I mutter in a muffled voice. The tension fades, and I hear a soft sigh come from the dark-haired man before I peek at his face. His ocean blue orbs stare down at me with a soft look as he sets a gentle hand upon my head to pet my hair and calm me. His touch sent pleasant tingles down my spine, and my grip on the covers loosens.

"You don't have to apologize. I want you to get some rest. I know you're hardly keeping yourself together right now. I doubt your body can handle any more pressure. I can answer your question another time." Naturally, I felt disappointed, though, he does have a point. My body is still trembling from the encounter I had in the street, but I would really like to hear something that'd ease my mind.

"Please, give me a hint at least. Something, anything," my voice wavers because I didn't want Phil getting angry with me for pushing him. I could feel tears picking at my eyes like sharp needles because I think so highly of him. I want to repay him for all the times he's helped me, but I'm afraid I could never get the chance if I don't learn anything about him. I've become dependent on him, so, of course, I fear the thought of driving him away.

If I had to live without him here, I'd feel empty. If he were to leave me, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I would be terrified to walk around on my own, knowing there might not be someone I could call upon to save me if something were to happen. That isn't the only reason I'm afraid to lose him either. I have many, actually. I care about him. I really do. If he had left me, I... I might even consider... suic—

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