Slow Moving Feet Quicken

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•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

—————————————————__________________________________Author's POV:__________________________________

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The passing weeks, Y/N found to be quite taxing as she tried her hardest to adjust back to normal living with the Demon King of Hell. The curse still left her with plenty of worries to plague her every waking thought, and yet, it no longer seemed as hard to deal with, now that she no longer felt like she was facing it alone. Though Phil might be the trigger for the horrid visions and vicious whispers, his help had been very much welcomed. The first few days were spent resting mostly, catching up on much needed shut-eye, lounging with a good book and sewing little projects. Y/N felt like she couldn't handle anything too detailed or complicated in design with her mind so frazzled, so she worked here and there on plushies of her demon friends.

Her latest has been of Eric, as a thank you for keeping her fed and for all the nice notes that kept her company. She hoped to send it to him, along with the Marquas doll she had finished up, soon before they decide to leave Hell. She was told they hardly stay in one place long, but she was thankful they were still around for the meantime. Mainly, though, they spent most of their time cuddled up in bed, afraid that they might end up split apart again and making up for all the time they've been away. It still chilled her to have his arms enveloped around her, but she didn't care. No matter what her head told her, she stayed next to him.

Phil had even used his power to manipulate dreams to ensure the nightmares stayed at bay, allowing her restful nights, at last. He couldn't block them fully, unfortunately, but a majority was better than nightly displays of gruesome imagery. Furthermore, he couldn't seem to shift what she was seeing in her sleep either, though he had tried numerous times to give her good dreams. He witnessed firsthand how deeply this spell was rooted within her. It was concerning, but Phil would remain hopeful that his sheep would be alright. Neither knew whether or not she might end up losing her mind again, but thankfully, after confronting her fears head-on, the curse seemed to die down enough for her to function semi-normally. Things certainly weren't as bad as they were before.

It seemed that, with each passing day, she was able to push them down a little further. Every now and then, however, they would catch her off-guard with something horrible, usually at the most inconvenient times, especially during meals. Eating together in the same room hardly ever worked out. As for Phil, he had to constantly have a read on her soul to know when it was okay to approach, let alone touch his dear sheep, but he was patient, regardless of having to walk on eggshells. Eventually, they were able to establish a well enough balance of boundaries while still remaining as close as they could be. The most difficult hurdle seemed to be behind them now— At least for the most part.

Y/N attempted various ways of suppressing her curse, one being that she'd often stare at his face to peer through the distortions that lingered even though he had changed some of his features. Through shaking and crying, she would cling to his hand or his coat, as if to anchor herself and prove her thoughts wrong when things turned ugly within her head. Meanwhile, Mephistopheles would do his best to ease her tension with loving words and simple conversations meant to bring her attention elsewhere. He would hold and soothe her with pets on the head or rubbing at her back. Once or twice, he had even offered her shoulder massages with promises and reassurance that he would not, in fact, crush her under his hands. He did everything in his power to prove the manipulations wrong, so that she could see him once again in a brighter light.

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