Human's Choice

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

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"Phil," I called out his name in a small voice that nearly croaked, forcing myself to stare at his covered face, though my heart felt like it might beat out of my chest. I'm scared, so scared, but it will be for the best, I'm sure of it. I know what my answer must be. Moving slow, Mephistopheles lowers his blood-stained hand, revealing smeared blotches of the red substance all over his pale face. The sight chilled me, made me ill, especially when I hallucinated him smiling ear-to-ear like a crazed maniac. I force my urge to puke away, shaking my head vigorously and groaning out in frustration. I must look at him if I'm going to declare something so serious. I owe him that much. Determined, I face him again, and speak up. "I want..." Hissing in a breath, I meet his gaze head on.

"I want to do the ceremony."

Shock filled the room from both Phil and the fallen angel watching, their stares burning into me in a way that made me want to curl up and die, yet I held my head high, continuing to meet the demon's eyes as I clenched my shaking fists at my sides to still them.

"W- What?" His voice came out in a confused breath, and it was at that point I could stay strong no longer. I turned my gaze to the side and gnawed at the inside of my cheek in order to collect myself. When I had the courage, I explained.

"I don't want to go back. You mean too much to me, so much so that I left everything I had there behind for that purpose. You think I would just do that if anyone asked that? You have been there for me. More than anyone, you have been there for me. Clearly, I mean a lot to you too, regardless of what this stupid curse is putting into my head. I must for you to have done all those things, right?" My voice broke towards the end there as I sniffled and wiped my eyes as they began tearing up.

"Originally, when I came to seek you out, I was going to ask you to take me back, but now, I can see you've been as devastated as I am being apart. I can't do that to you, to the one person who showed me the most love and care in this world, who wasn't afraid to fight for me, to protect me. Maybe we are useless against what's happened to me. Maybe I'll never be able to look at you the same again, but god fucking damnit! I am tired of being the world's punching bag!" Rushed with anger, I force myself to face him again, viewing his shocked features as I straightened up my back. For a moment, a single moment, I swore those horrible visions wavered as I marched one step closer.

"I'm not going to let this keep me from being by your side. I'm not going to let it stop me from paying off the debt I feel I owe to you." He opened his mouth to speak, but I rose a trembling hand to stop him. "I know I owe you nothing. That's what you're going to say, right? But, I want to. I really really want to because I have felt useless from the start of this all, and I don't want to be that way anymore." Sighing shakily, I stumble back and close my eyes, unable to keep it up for much more. I looked away again and apologized.

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