Silent Familiar

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•Y/N: Your Name

Your POV:

————————————————Your POV:_______________________________

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The feeling of warm water soaking my skin caused my muscles to relax instantaneously as I sunk into the bubble bath I had made. My eyelids flutter shut as I let out a sigh of content while leaning my head back against a rolled up towel that I had placed behind my neck to be more comfortable. I sit there silently for a moment until I'm settled before opening my eyes and reaching over to the shampoo I found in one of the cabinets. It's in a fancy, glass bottle and the liquid inside reminds me of cherry, cold medicine with its color. It's topped with a cork and is labeled as fruit cocktail, which I imagine will satisfy my companion's request for something fruity.

I open it with ease before pouring a good amount onto my hand and lather it into my hair, becoming immediately taken with it's intoxicating scent. Prior to my bath, I decided to familiarize myself with the stuff in the bathroom, which is a lot. Mephistopheles practically has everything in here. In just one cabinet was a selection of soaps with a wide variety of scents, while another had face care, many bottles of cologne and hair gel. I was surprised honestly.

I didn't realize how much he groomed himself, though, I suppose that flawless complexion of his didn't come naturally. I end up losing track of time sitting in the bath, but it wasn't like I was in any rush. I drain the tub before drying and wrapping myself in a fluffy, white towel. I stare at the clothes on the floor, contemplating whether or not I should put them back on. They smell of ash, so that would probably defeat the purpose of taking a bath, but it's not like I have anything else. I'm not going to sit around in a towel until Mephistopheles returns.

'I guess I can borrow something of his, but all his clothes are going to be way too big on me. It's better than nothing, though.' I toss the clothes into a laundry basket before coming out of the bathroom only to immediately freeze when I find that I'm not alone. I give a short scream, startled by the appearance of a goat... man... thing. The horned creature is dressed in a tailcoat as black as the fur on it's face with a white shirt and silk tie. Their striking gold eyes with odd pupils lock on mine, and I swear my heart stopped beating for a second.

 Their striking gold eyes with odd pupils lock on mine, and I swear my heart stopped beating for a second

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