Seduction of the Inferno

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Author's Note:

In case you couldn't tell by the title, you should expect some spicy scenes from this chapter, but they do not go very far. Might be a tad uncomfortable, though, so I thought I'd mention it before we get started.

~Here we go!~


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My jaw dropped as I took in my surroundings with heated cheeks, having not expected... this. The room is actually quite stunning and huge with black, stone walls shaped to resemble a cave, studded with what looks to be sparkling diamonds or something similar, while the floor is checkered black and grey, smooth and shiny. The stones in the walls shimmer beautifully, reflecting the colorful lights hanging from the ceiling that change to match with the music being played by a band on a big stage with two demon singers covering Pork Soda by Glass Animals. One is short, while the other is immensely taller. The bigger one has a mouth full of crooked and sharp teeth with some that stick out past his lips, and he is wearing only tight, black, leather pants with tall-heeled, black boots.

The smaller individual has on a tight, black tank top tucked into white shorts, but wears no shoes on his feet. Small horns stick out along his jaw and one is growing out of the tip of his nose like a rhinoceros, and he is more muscular than his slim partner. The other members of the band, however, seem to blend into the background, wearing all black to hide in the darkness and not draw attention away from the singers. On both sides of the stage are caged dancers, while in front lies a big dance floor full of people, which is surrounded by round tables with long, metal poles sticking out of the center of them, connecting them to the high ceiling. Half-naked Demons and humans perform on the poles, wearing nothing but beautifully laced bras and underwear, enchanting their audience with suggestive and fluid motions as they're cheered on.

Along the left wall are booths with similar tables, while the wall to the right is covered by a long bar tended to by swift and talented demons. Probably the most incredible feature about the room, however, would have to be the waterfall behind the stage that disappears under the floor before feeding into a big river beside the steps I stand at the bottom of. The water is odd and inviting, glowing a bright shade of blue to lure you in. Some are even swimming in it. To put it simply, though...

I think I'm in a strip club.

I was stunned, but I have to admit, the place is incredible. My attention is drawn to a passing server. She looks human, not much older than eighteen, and is wearing a collar around her neck. Her attire is the same as the pole dancers, but there is something off about her eyes. They are blank and glazed over, as though she is hypnotized.

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