All About Izuku

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Izuku's quirk: Fallen angel

Quirk discription: He has a white wing and a black wing. Also he has horns and a halo including a tail. He can hide the wings, halo, and horns. His horns float above his head and are flaming at all times. To hide his tail he wraps it around his body under his shirt. With his dark side he cand manuplate darkness and turn it to it basically teleporting. He can create things from it and also make things from his blood one his left side. He can control his blood and heal himself. He can also control and make fire. Also he can light his wing on fire.  His eye is blood red. On his right side he can mainipulate light and control it. As well as his left he can create things and heal himself with light. Also his right eye is silver. He can have one side take over if he wants it's powers to be more powerful but the downside is he can't use the other sides powers at all. His dark side is more poewr at night. 

If his left side is all out then both of his eyes are red. With his right side his eyes are both silver. He will unlock a newer mode in the sports festival that I will explain later on.

Drawbacks: Using his left side too much makes him a little crazy and out of control and if he overuses he passes out or his devil takes over and goes rampage. Using his right side too much causes slight blindness and being in the sun too much can burn his skin

Well that's about it everyone. And @Idiot_4_dekubaku thank you soooo much! You're votes mean so much to me! Because of this it has inspired me to keep writing my stories. (Though four is very hard to handle) You are the first one the vote on my any of my stories! Thank you soooooo much! I hope you all have a very awesome day! Also I start putting guessing games at the bottom and you can try and guess somethings about me. Starting with 

What's my favorite color?

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