Chapter 24

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Izuku Pov

Beeeeeep. Beeeeeeep

I slowly open my eyes. Where am I? I look around, is this....a hopsital? I sit up with a groan and rip all the tubes from my arms. Disgusting, I look over at the window.

"Don't try it."

I jump and look over at th door. A....mummy? He walks in and some one follows. Oh detective Tsukuachi, why is he here? They both sit in some shairs next to my bed.


I stay quiet and stare at the wall infront of me. Why? Why couldn't I have been better?

"I need to ask you some questions."

I nd my head and look over at the detective. He pulls out a folder and flips through some papers.

"So your name is Izuku Midoriya, your 15 years old and both parents are dead. Correct?"

I nod.

"Your quirk is fallen angel and you are the well known vigilante Celer. Correct?"

Another nod.

"Well because of this we will have to put you back in a ophana-"


I flinch as the door flys open and Hakws walks in with Nezu behind him. Hawks starts to catch his breath.

"I-i will adopt him."

My eyes widen. What? Nope, there's no way HAWKS wants to adopt a broken child like me. Nezu hops onto my bed.

"I also would prefer if he did not go to jail but stayed inrolled at U.A!" He adds.

B-but why? I stare at Nezu confused. I-I...... I take another glance at the window.

"Don't even think about it problem child." Eraserhead said with a sigh. I lower my head in defeat. I lay down and cover my self in a blanket and groan. They all leave and I lay there, staring up at the ceiling. 


Hello my readers! Sadly I have almost caught up with my writing! I need to write more. Anyways, another hard chapter to write. But everything will slowly get better as the chapters go on! You all should go check out my other book though. Can't Die! It's a ShinDeku but Deku is immortal and a villain. What happens if he was added to a U.A group chat? You all should go check it. But here's another fact for you all!

Did you know kangaroo's can't walk backwards?

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