Chapter 16

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I let out a sigh as I enter the building, I head down to see Harumi and Mayumi playing chess. Wait, where did they get a chess board?

"Hey Mayumi, we need to dye your hair black."

Harumi glances up at me before looking back at the game.


I sigh(I'm sighing way to much) and set the bag down. I head up to my workshop to work on the mechanical wings. This is going to take awhile.

-2 hours later (To be read in spongebob voice)-


I jump and acciednetly drop the screw I had in the wings. I sigh angerly. I lift my goggles up and turn around.


"I realized, we don't know your name." Harumi states. I stare at her for a moment as my mine goes blank. (This always happens to me). I shake my head.

"Oh, uh just call me Kengi."

"Oh, what are you doing?" she points at the wings. I glance back at the half finished wing.

"Mechanical wings, that way I can keep my quirk hidden and use my real one in pubic."


I turn back around and reach in the wings and grab the screw. I put in it as Harumi walks up.

"I want to help."

I glance back as I finish up the left wing. I'll do the right wing tomarrow, I still have to go on patrol tonight.

"With the wings?" I ask, she didn't really clarify what she wanted to help with.

"No dummy, your vigilantee work."

I sigh, " No, you can not go on patrol with me. Can you hack or heal?" I'm not risking anyone else lifes but mine.

"I know a bit of first aid."

"Good you can be my hacker, 3rd floors yours. See if Mayumi wants to be my hacker if so 4th floors hers. I'll set up the floor for you guys."

Harumi nods and leaves to go ask Mayumi. I sigh and put my stuff away and grab the new gear I made. I dye my hair black and put in the dark blue contacts with my suit. I head downstairs.

"Alright, get some sleep I'll be back."

I go up the roof and start running across from rooftop to rooftop. Hm, not a lot if crime tonight.


I whip around and dodge Eraserhead's scarf. I smile.

"I think that name's a little expired. I'll let you come up with a new one for me. Also I've got a game for you." 

He stops in his tracks but keeps his scarf at the ready. i raise my hands to show I'm unarmed.

"What is it?" He asks me tiredly.

I laugh, " Ok your going to love this. I'm in your U.A class. If you can't find me out by the sports festival I'll reveal myself. Also no going to Tsukauchi till 2 weeks before the festival." he looks at me confused. I stare back at him with my dark blue eyes. I hear a scream and am off before you could say Plus Ultra. Eraser is hot on my tail but I didn't really care.

I jump into the alley way to see the LOV, great. Toga was munching on someone and Crusty was talking to some dude in a lab coat.

"Handyman what did I tell you?"

He turns and faces me. He had his 'father' on him and started scratching at his neck. Toga looks up with blood dripping off her chin.


"Ya, me. Now leave before I kill you both." He mutters something I didn't hear before a portal opens. I watch as shiggy and the lab coat guys walk though. Toga skips while dragging the body behind her. Eraserhead drops down.

"Who was that?"

"Oh them? LOV, they stay out of my way I stay out of theirs."

He sighs and I glitter bomb him and run away. NOw time to find out what the LOV's up to.

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