Chapter 31

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Harumi Pov

"Hey mom! Let's go!" I shout up the stairs. I get a 'k' in response and 2 minutes later she was down here. We smile at each other and start our walk to U.A. We chat as we walk but stop when we hear a scream. We both start running torwards the sound. The was a burning building and a young boy was running out but he got pinned under rubble. Mom runs over.

"Where are the heroes?!"

A random bystander steps forwards shaking. " On t-there way."

Mom whips around and looks at the young boy.

"He'll be dead before they get here!" she yells, I run after her. I can use my quirk! I just have to have permission.

"Mom! Do I have permision to use my quirk!" I shout over the fire. Mom glares at me.

"No! I don't know the drawback and you could die!" she says as she tends to the boy. Trying to get him out.

"Stop! My leg! There's something in it!"  the boy cries out. Mom curses and stops.

"Please mom! I always come back, he won't if he dies!" I say with tears in my eyes. Mom looks up at me with worry laced on her face. She sighs.


I nod and touch a part of the building that wasn't burning or hot. I close my eyes and concentrate. The people around me gasp but I keep my eyes closed and continue concentrate on my job.

"Harumi. You did it." my mom whispers. I open my eyes to see the building back to normal and the boy safe. I smile and wobble a bit. Crap, it starts with my arm as it slowly dissapears. Mom starts to panic.

"It's fine mom. I'll be back." I say with a smile as I disappear.

Izuku Pov

I was sitting in my desk when Midnight barges in. She gripped the door panting and I stood up. Aizawa looks at Midnight worried.

"Harumi ......Harumi's disappeared!"

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