Chapter 29

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"Oh celer. Ready for today?~"

I raise my head at the femal voice. I watch as Toga skips over to me with a knife in each hand.

"I can't wait to see your blood!" she squeals.

She flips her knife and phunges into my leg. I scream out in pain as she pulls it back out. Blood dripping down the knife and my leg. I giggles and lick the knife and runs the other knife acroos my chest and stomach.

She flips it and plunges it into my arm. I cry out in pain, tears running down my face.

"Oh Dabi!~ Come shut the boy up for a minute please.~" Toga calls out. Dabi comes into the room and grabs my neck, coking me. I squirm in my chains, trying to breath. That's when he heats up. His hands slowly get hotter and hotter around my throat. I scream, my body shaking.

*End of dream*


I shoot up gasping and quickly look around. I spot a worried Hawks next to me, I was crying and shaking from the nightmanre.

"Thank god! You scared me Izu! Are you -"

Before he could finish I tackle him in a hug, sobbing. Don't leave me...please.

He hugs me back and we sit there, me sobbing in Hawks arms for about half an hour. Sonn my crys turn into snall sniffles.

I pull away adn wipe my nose with the back of my hand and look away. I probably look terrible, puffy red eyes and a stuffy nose. I'm sweating and have dried tears on my cheeks. Hawks leaves and I glance at my vigilante outfit.

I need to get some air.

There you go! Sorry if you were looking for an update on my other books. I just had no motavation to write. But for this story I have to write it was my first one that I started. But here's your fact for the day.

The best place in the world to see a rainbow is in Hawaii

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