Chapter 4

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"Oh Izukuuuu. I have a some good news." Miss Bell says in a song like tone. My breath hitches as the door opens. Miss Bell closes it and locks the door with a smile.

"Your finally being adopted you brat. I've come to given you a going away preset." her smile darkens as she grabs my wrist. I cry out in pain as she throws me into a wall. She walks up and kicks me in the stomach. I double over coughing and she grabs a knife. She starts cuttin gup my back and chest even more than it already is.

"Be lucky I'm not going as far brat." she says as she leaves. I have to leave, tonight.

I shower before wrapping myself in bandages. I change into my darkest out fit I have and start packing my bag. I pack some clothes, my bandages, my notebooks, and my laptop. I open the window and let out the dark side of my quirk and glide down to the floor. I flap my wings and take off for the forest. I land in front of the treehouse I was working on and put all my stuff inside. I fly over to the the trashed beach and pick up some wood and other supplies before going back. I finish what I can before laying my the bed and curling myself up in my wings. Time for some much needed sleep.

Sorry for the short chapter but my friend is pestering me on publishing it. So here is a shorted chapter. And for the awnser my favorite color is blue! Can you guess the next one?

What letter does my name start with?

The Devil's Curse but Angel's BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now