Chapter 11

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I slap my alarm off. Ugh, I groan as i get out of bed and trudge over to the closet. I grab some ripped jeans and black shirt, and just becasue I can I grab my chain and hat. I fly out of the forest, man it's been awhile sense I've used both sides. I land in front of U.A startling a couple of kids. I follow everyone to the test taking part and take my seat waiting for instructions. I spot Mic and Midnight having a conversation with Eraser in the corner sleeping. I look aroun at some of the different kids here and spot Bakugo yelling at the kid next to him, poor child.

"Can I get YA!" Preset Mic yells.

"Yaaaaa!" I shout.

Present Mic smiles at me and other kids look at me annoyed. He explains the test and says we have 3 hours so complete it. I scan through it and notice most of the awnser are how many pages there are.Just to spite the system I awnser every quesiton with 61. I sneak up to Eraser head who got up and was standing by the poduim with Mic and Midnight.

"I'm done." I monotone.

All three of them jump and look at me surprised, I give them all a confused look and he takes the test with a sigh.

"Do what ever you want till the pyhsical exams." he grumbles, I nod and leave the room, not to disturb the other test takers. I wander the halls in till I realize I got lost. Crap.

I start panicing, what if the test is over? 


I yelp and whip around to see Nezu, I internally groan. Just my luck. I rub the back of my head, acting confused.

"Lost I presume?"

"Y-ya, think you give me directions?"

He smiles and gives me the directinos back to the autoturium. I thank hims and quickly eave . I find my seat just as Present Mic starts explaining the physical exam. That was close, I started to does off because I hacked in the other day I found out what we were doing already.

"Yes listener!"

My head jerks up to find out someone else actually asked a question.

"Excuse me sir! In the paper there is four robots! You've only showed us three!" he points at me "Also you! You should not be sleeping! This is a very series test!" he waves his hands around like a robot and I sigh, I stand up.

"Sorry MIc for the interuption, but I'm sorry you were to  impatience to wait, because he was just about to tell us abou the fourth robot. Also, hae you ever though I might have a condition to where I can't sleep as much? No you didn't sorry."

I bow to Mic beofre sitting back down. The boy apologises and sits back down. I sigh, that was annoying.

-Time Skip-

I uawn as the other stretch or chat with each other. Pointless, that's what this all is. The gate starts to opening and I take a good look at the mock city in front of me.

The moment the gates were fully open I zoom off into the city.

"What are you waiting for? GO!" Present Mic yels.

I make a sword out of light and slash rbots back and forth. I had destroied all the robots when the ground starts shaking. Kids start screamings and running past me, I turn around confused. Oh.

That's the zero pointer.

I see a gir trapped under som rubble right in the robots path. I growl, does no one notice this?! I start running as I make a dagger. I slice my left arm and fly up into the air. My eys start glowing and my hair floats. I make multiple spears out of light and blood. I send them all at the zero pointer knocking it backwards a bit. My left wing lights on fire as I make a massive syth out of blood and light.

"DDDIIIEEE!!" I shout, slashing the blade, making a arch of light slice the robot in half. I slowls land and heal my arm, stubbling over to the girl. I won't be able to make anything for a while.

"You ok." I ask.

"Totally. Being smashed under rubble is ok." she rolls her eyes. I sigh and lift up the rubble on top of her. I leave her ther and leave the mock city and change back into my orignal outfit. When I was out of sight I let my angel side take over and my hair goes silver. and my eyes goes silver as well. I run to work and open the door panting.

"Ichitora! Right on time!" Aya smiles, I nod and change into the uniform and get baking. I start making some home made croissants. The bell chimes right after I put them in the oven.

I head over the counter with a smile.

"Hi how can I -"

"Hello Midoriya."

Ahem, well everyone I will try and publish as much as I can today and tomarrow. I need to catch up with my writing. Writing you may ask? Yep, I write the chapter and them type them so I don't hae to remember what happened last or stuff. So the awnser to last question was....yes! I do own a pet. Right now though he looks like a rat. It's a dog and we jsut had to have him shaved He got mats and so they shaved him down. Alright next question.

What breed is my dog?

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