Chapter 10

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(The bold letters are Tsukauchi's quirk)

Izuku Pov

I sigh as I run away from both Hawks and Eraserhead. Everytime I attepmt to use my quirk, Eraserhead erasers it. Man this annoying. I throw a glitter bomb behind, stalling Eraserhead. I thow some more at Hawks, cause like, who doesn't like glitter? As I was attepmting to fly away Eraserhead looks up and Erasers my quirk. I yelp and pull out a grapple gun and shoot it into the neighboring building. I get pulled that way and drop into an alley way. Perfect, right before they get there I turn into darkness adn move to a different part of town.

Ugh, only 2 hours.

Aizawa Pov

"Dammit!" I shout.

Hawks lands next to me and shakes his feathers, some glitter falls t the floor. He sighs.

"Now I see what you mean." he says.

This freaking vigilantee just disappeared! We have no leads beacuse he doesn't speak and leaves before we can get a good look at him. I have a feeling he's young but we can't prove it just yet. I sigh, I don't get paid enough for this.

Izuku Pov

I limp out of the alley, stupid guns. I hear sirens and slip into the darkness. Maybe I'll pay the detective a visit. I apppear on the roof and creep over to Naomasa's window. I slowly open it and climb in. I shut it behind me and creep up behind him.

"Boo!" I shout.

Detective Tsukauchi jumps and spins around at in humane speeds. He calms down when he notices it just me.

"Hello Red Reaper. What brings you here? Just deciding to scare the crap out of me?" he sighs.

I giggle. 


He raises an eyebrow, "Then you won't mind awnsering a few question's then."

I shrug. He takes that as a yes.

"So Red. Why are you a vigilantee."

"Because I can be."


"Do you know about my quirk?"

"Duh, that's why I'm awnsering the questions the way I am?"


"How old are you kid."

"Old enough to know what I'm doing is illegal."


"Anyways, detective I've got to get going. Also, I've noticed you haven't cleaned up all the glitter. So here you go!"

I toss another glittler bomb in his office just as I hop back out the window. Am I a little obsessed with glitter. Ya. Do I care? No I truley don't care. I go back to the tree house and check the time.

Ony five.... I dropped out of school the minute I found out Bakugo was in my class if I want to go to U.A. First I need a new personality for U.A. Hm, also I'd have to put it in the system, another pain.

I grab my laptop and hack into some more government shit. I make a new person document.

Name: Kengi Matsuki
Birthday: May 13

I add my part of my quirk, it's discription and a photo of me with dyed haira and contacts in. That should be good, I eraser all evidence I was there and log out. Phew, time for my 3 hour of sleep.

-Time Skip: Day before the exams-

I sigh as I finish the beach clean up. It looks so much more beautiful now. I train a bit without my quirk before going home. I don't want to go on patrol tonight because I need the sleep. I grab the hair dye I bought and dye my hair all black. That seems pretty good. I check to make sure my contacts look. I yawn, man am I tired. My bags have been getting darker by the day. I yawn again, let's get some sleep, I have a big day tomarrow...

So uhh. Hello my readers! Anyways, ladies and gentlmen and my attack helicopter I hope you loved this chapter because I honestly don't think this did to well. But I do believe this book is getting better. The awnser to last question was.........1! Alright if you got it right then great! Alright next question!

Do I own a pet?

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