Chapter 15

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Izuku Pov

I drop the last crate of stuff on the floor. Harumi and Mayumi sit off to the side, watching me unpack. I decided to move to an abandoned building, the tree house wasn't meant for 3 people. I put things away and organize some things. This is going to be a while.

-Time skip-

I cleaned the building and it was almost night and I still had to make those mechanical wings. Also I need to get some contacts and hair dye. Alright, let's go over this. I am Kengi Matsuki my quirk is devil's flame. Mayumi and Harumi stare at me like I'm crasy

Isigh and turn to them.

"Alright so I need to talk to Nezu, then stop by the store, be careful and don't touch anything on the second floor. That's my workshop, got it?"

"Yep. Also aren't you a vigilante?" Harumi asks.

"Yes, I'm going out later tonight."

I let out my wings and my eyes go silver and black. I don't have any hair dye so I just keep my green hair. I go up to the roof of the building, maybe I should put on my suit. I run back and put on my suit before leaving. I fly over to Nezu's open window. I tuck my wings in a spirl dive into his room. I roll and pop like nothing happened.

"Hello again red."

"The two girls  are Harumi and Mayumi. Harumi's quirk is Reality warp. She can chagne things reailty by touching it. Bigger things are harder to warp. Mayumi's quirk is weather watch, she can control the weather around here sorta gets out of control with her emotions. They will both go under the name Matsuki with me." I say as Nezu types. I toss him two files and he grabs them with a smile.

"Didn't want the police having them, so you get them." I say, he doesn't say anything as he goes to file the paper. I give a him a nod before flying to the sotre to the store. I go in and grab  dark blue contacts and black and red hair dye. I was checking out when someone walked in. I glance back to see Hawks, ugh, why can't the heroes just leave me alone? I ay for my things and slip out the door, that's was close.

Hawks Pov

I was going to get some paint when I see a kid very similiar to Ichitora. I look away but when I look back the kid was gone. Huh, what a strange kid.

Hello my friendly readers! I'll be starting a new story that I hope you all will read it! But anyways here is your awnser from your next question. A Strawberry! It's what's called a multi fruit but it's a fruit anyways. So I've ran out of questions so here are some cool facts that I've learned.

Did you know that pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest english word?

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