Chapter 3

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This is taking place right before middle school and where he meets kacchan! How will that go if Kasuki though he was dead all this time! Tune in to find out!

Izuku Pov

"Brat! People are hear to see you!" Miss Bell yells at me.

I sigh, I was almost done with my design. I put on my best long sleeve shirt and a fake smile. I travel though the darkness to Miss Bell's office. I walk in and my smile wavers. Seriously? Why are Eraserhead and Present Mic here? Why does life hate me so much? I shake hands with Eraser and sit down.

"This is Izuku. He's our oldest one here with a amazing quirk." Miss Bell says sweetly.

I internally gag. The nerve of this lady. She leaves the office so we can talk and I instantly drop my sweet act and go blank. That got Eraserheads attention

"So let's get some things straight. I don't want to be a adopted. If you attempt to adopt me thinking you can change that, your wrong. Adopt me and I will run away, also I do not have an 'amazing' quirk, she just wants to get me out of here. If you have any questions I'll be outside."

With that I stood up and left them stunded. I snicker, another family I've driven away. I head outside to see the little ones playing hide and seek. That is, in till they see me.

"Zuzu!" they all yell and group hug me. I fall to the floor, looks like I'll be playing for a while.

Aizawa Pov

"So? What do you think?" Miss Bell asks, batting her eyes. I sigh and look her in the eye.

"Why is he wearing a long sleeve? In summer?" I ask tirely. Her smile wavers and I imeditly know somethings up.

"I don't know. He always wearing one. But he's so happy I never payed any attention to it."

'Happy?' I thought. What I saw was no were near happy. It was tired with a hint of fear. I can a fake amile when I see one because of Shinso. If anything this child is abused and depressed. Present Mic had began a converstation with her so I left to go find the problem child. I hear shouting and giggling and headed outside.

"Where are you Izu?" on eof the kids yelled. He noticed me and his eyes brighten.

"Eraserhead! Help us find Izu!" he grabs my arm and drags me around. I just let it happen confused.

"Guys! Eraserhead is here to help!" the young boy yelled. The other kids shout in excitement.

"Uh, how do you all know who I am."

"Zuzu! He teaches us all about heroes!" he exclaims. This kid.. knowing about underground heroes. Huh, I join in on the search curious. He can't be that hard to find.

-Time Skip-

How? It's been over 30 mins and we still haven't found him and Mic has joined in on the search. i sigh.

"Problem child we give up." i finally say. I hear giggling and turn around and see him on the fence. What the hell.

"Finally, I was getting tired." I don't get paid enough for this shit. I turn back around, I need a coffee.

"AH! Little listener, how did you get up there?!" Mic shouts running over. He just shrugs.

"It was wasy. I jump climbed up the shed and then jumped over and pulled myself up." He says, he front flips off the fence. He heads to the kitchen and we follow him. When we get there I'm handed a coffee. I take a sip, holy, this is godly. I look up at the boy who was partally smiling.

"Your welcome." he says.

"Alright it's offical. We're adopting you." I say tired. His face darkens and he walks away with out a word. We hear pounding footsteps and then a door slam.

"Ah, I see you are enjoying your selfs. Have you chosen someone yet?" Miss Bell asks with a smile.

"Yes. We want to adopt the boy. Izuku Midoriya."

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