Chapter 33 (the end)

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(Years later) Izuku Pov

I smile as I run around, trying to escape kacchan and sho who I showered in glitter. You can never get to old for glitter. Someone grabs me and pulls me into an alley way. I look up to see my red headed boyfriend. Kacchan and sho run past and kiri uncoers my mouth.

"Shouldn't you be on patrol you big bafoon?" he smiles in hero ohero suit that I though revealed way to much, but manly because I didn't want people seeing what's mine.

"Shouldn't you be apologizing to bakugo and todoroki?" he counters back. I laugh. 


We all have finally grauted from U.A and we're offically heroes. Me and kiri get together as did kacchan and sho.

I loved my family who was still with me. Hawks finally rited and was teaching at U.A since Aizawa was retired with his husband.

Shinso and Mayumi grew super close and are basically insepratable. She barely even gets time  alone with her boyfriend. Harumi  hasn't come back but she would pefer to stay in the reality she's in. So we're all happy about that.

Kacchan was the number on hero Exploking, and sho was second as Shoto. I was the third and my hero name jsut ended up being Fallen Angel. But we were.

Me and kiri walk out of the alley way holding hands. I hear a scream and turn around to see a portal of some sort. I watch as Harumi jumps out and looks around distressed.

"Harumi?" kiri says, streatching out his arm. She looks at us.

"Kirishima, Izuku, we need your help."

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