Chapter 19

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Izuku Pov

After everyone had changed and gone back to class we were given free time to what ever we waht fo the rest of the class. 

I just went and took a nap in the corner.

The rest of the class decided to introduce themselves and what they're quirk is. They did it till no one was left but me. They all stare at me 'sleeping' in the corner.

"Come on dude! Introduce yourself!" the red head, kirishima, says. I sigh and basically crawl to the front of the class. I look at the class and notice todoroki writing something in a notebook and glancing between me and Aizawa. I squint to the notebook names 'theroies'. Hm weird.

"My name is Kengi Matsuki. Quirk, Devil's flame."

I go back to sleep till the bell rung. I pick up my stuff slowly as everyone leaves. Harumi and Mayumi walk in.

"How was your day?" Harumi asks.

"Fun fucking tastic" I grumble. we head out and a boy passes Mayumi and I see her blush a little. I am so going to tease her later. Me and Harumi look at each other with a glint in our eyes. 

We agree to bring it up later and continue home. I start my lessons with Nezu tomarrow. That'll be exciting. When we get home I immediately grab a bottle of water and put my daily 2 cups of sugar inside. Harumi looks at me horrified.

"Why are you putting sugar in your water?"

I sigh," Would you rather have me go insane?"

She shakes her head and I leave. 

WARNING A BIT OF SELF HARM. (Had to add it just in case.)-

I go up to my workshop already unwrapping the bandages. I sigh, they're starting to heal. I grab my blade and cut them back open before rebandaging my wrists.

Time to test out my wings. I attach them to my back and commmand them to fold. They silently fold into a small weightless square on my back. 

'Open' I think. The wings unfold. Time to see if they actually fly. I take them to the roof and get a running start and jump off the building.

'Flap!' I thought. The wings flap! Ha! I'm flying! With mechanical wings! I do a couple twirls and fly back to the building. I'll use them tomarrow. Today was jsut eh test run. I put them away and get on my outfit. I run ot into the night and go from builiding to building. Time for a long night.

-Time Skip-

I sigh as I look over the sleeping city. Not much crime at all tonight.

"what're you doing Celer?"

I glance behind me to see Aizawa. I smile under my mask.

"Celer? As in Celery?"

"No. It's latin for speedy." he says as he sits down next to me. I swing my feet over the side and stare off.

"Not going to try and stop me? See who I am?" I say, glancing over at him. He just gives me a sigh in response.

"What, giving up already?" I tease. He pinchs the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes.

"No. I'm try to find out which of my students you are."

I laugh. "Ideas?" I question.

"Tokoyami, Todoroki, Kengi -"

"Wait, you think, that I'M a todoroki? I - oh my god I'm dying." I say, trying not to die of laughter. He jsut looks at me confused. That makes me laugh harder.

"What. the kid probably doesn't sleep and looks like he has family issues so he became a vigilantee." he protest.

"But I haven't seen much from Kengi. He seems like a mini me." he says with a sigh. That gets me laughing. Sadly, raising my hand showed my bloody bandages. Aizawa stares at me in horror and attempts to grab my wrist.

I jump up and get in a defensive position. That just makes him more worried.

" you cut?"

"Why do you care?" I snarl. I back a bit and dodge the scart he attempts to capture me with. I turn and run off with Aizawa yelling at  me. I keep running and hear a scream. I jump over and land in the alley softly. I spin in a circle. There' one here?

I hear a whoosh and something perces my skin on my neck. I pull the object out. A dart? My eyes start to droop and I stumble. I fall to the about to pass out.

"We've got him sensei."

There's this chapter my readers! I might publish another part today depending on how it takes me to publish a another part for a differnt story and if I'm up for publishing to parts in a day. But here is your random fact for the day.

The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet( 9 m)

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