Chapter 18

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Izuku Pov

I follow all the boys to the locker room and watch a purple head try to spy on the girls. He got punished. I head over to my locker and take off my shirt, forgetting about my scars.

"Wow bro! What happened?"  a red heada asks. I glance back and realize he was talking about my scars.

"Oh. I got in a acceident. Nothing serious." I quickly put on the unifor after that and leave as quickly as possible.

No more question for me.

Todoroki Pov

I watch as the boy leaves. I think on what I saw on his arm and back. I don't think the word, 'useless' being carved in your skin is an acciedent. Same with the scars on his wrist. I need to learn more on this boy.

Izuku Pov

After everyone got there Aizawa starts explaining what we're going to be doing. Why are we here?

My eyes widen, crap ont now. I start to panic that the voice came back. I need sugar, now. Ah, I won't hurt you right now DEKU.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.


My eyes snap open and I look at Aizawa to see he called me up. I trudge to the front of the class and into the white circle.

"What was your ball throw in middle school?"

I come up with a random number "53.7"

He tosses me a baseball and I catch it startled.

"Use your quirk this time." he says

I stare at the ball and prepare to throw. Before it leaves my hand I give it a blast with my flames. Aizawa shows the class my score.

"650!" they all exclaim.

Some pink girl in the back smiles "This is going to be so much fun!" she squeals. I shake my head. wrong move.

Aizawa looks at here tiredly. " Ok last one will be expelled."

Everyone gasps and starts saying it's unfair. I just sigh and slowly melt into the back of the class. Useless. I shake my head again.

'Go away' I think. Everone does the ball throw, next is the 50meter dash. I was up against Bakgugo and I just made a flaming board and rode across the finish line. Slow

11.03 seconds.

I sigh, where the fuck is my blade? I check my pockets, oh wait, I'm in the school gym clothes. Crap, we did the grip test and I got an ok score, the side to side was awful. I was itching to my blade, or sugar. Sugar was good.

Aizawa Pov

As we were doing the tests, Kengi was fidgeting and glanceing around. Like he was in danger. The scores were shown and he's in 15th place. He lets out a sigh of relief. He was probably just nervous. The purple grape head was in last.

"Off you go."

He start bawling and attemps to grab a girls boobs. Before I could anything he was punched in the face by a very, very, very angry Kengi.

"Touch a girl again or even attempt to I will hunt you down and murder you then do it all again." he says threatingly. The kid runs off screaming, what a loser.

"Go change and go back to class." I say tiredly. This class may have some potential.

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