Chapter 5

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Aizawa Pov

I sigh as we drive to pick up the problem child. Mic was grinning ear to ear. while Shinso was on his phone in the back. We pull up and get out of car. Mic drags up inside in the building. Miss Bell leads us to his room and has us wait outside. She opens the door just enough for her to get inside but stops and the door swings open. I push past her and am hit with the smell of blood.

"What. Happened." I ask. The boy wasn't in sight, the window was open. Blood was on the walls, floors, ad bed. Mic and Shinso come in and Shinso's eyes widen. Miss Bell was pale

"l - I have no idea." she whispers.

"Well, he tries to warn you." Shinso says with  a shrug. He walks back out and I see him get back in the car. That's ture. He said he would run away if we tried, and we did. But why is there blood eerywhere? I sigh and call Naomasa and explain the situation. Then I make a choice I know I will regret later. I call Hawks.

Izuku Pov

I shoot up with a gasp. I quickly take in my surroundings before calming down.'Just another nightmare' I thought. I sigh and get out of bed. Today I need a profile, a fake one. I grab my bag and put my laptop inside it. I get changed and hide my wings. My eyes go back to there normal green.

I use my quirk and turn into light going to my favorite cafe. 

"Ichitora! Nice to see you! The usual?" Aya asks me.

I nod my head and go to y usual seat. I plop down with a huff and pull out my laptop. 

"Here you go!"

I jump a bit before thanking her. Time to get to work, my fingers fly across the keyboard as I hack into government documents. I pull up a new document and put in  my fake information, quirk and background. Then I go to my document they have on me and click the status from alive to dead.

I take a sip of coffe and put in the notes I died wth my mom in a car crash. Perfect I click save and get rid of all the evidence that I have ever been there. I lean back with a sigh. Sadly, that's not all I have to do today.

I say goodbye and head over to the middle school to get application papers. I came up with a excuse they accepted so I got the papers. I go to a dark alley way and teleport back to the treehouse. I sigh as I fill out the papers, so much usless information. I plug in my laptop and log in. I sigh up for some high level high school online classes. Why? I'm to smart to be in middle school. I'm just doing it so it doesn't bring attention to me.

Time for some suit building. I grab my laptop and change into some black cargo pants, hoodie and face mask. Then I teleport to the out skirts of U.A. Holy this place is big. Hm, I hack into the security  and disable all the cameras, that should do it. I parkour over the wall and creep behind the school. Perfect a vent. I break it open crawl through the ent till I hit Powerloaders shop. The coast is clear so I open it and hop out.


I walk around, grabbing things I need for my hero outfit and vigilantee outfit.

I jump and whip around, getting in a fighting postition. I hear a chuckle and a tail swish. 'Crap it's Nezu' My eyes flicker in color out of annoyance. he comes into full view and I let out a breath. Man, I really need to work on stealth.

"What brings you here." he asks. his tail swishing behind him. Man I should I let out my tail soon.

"Does it matter?" I ask, annoyed.

He laughs," Yes, and how 'bout we make a deal.

I raise my eyebrow,"THE Nezu, making a deal, with me?" I shake my head. This can go wrong in so may ways.

"Yes. Just a single match of chess. If you win I'll let you leave with everything you have. If I win you have to awnser 3 of my questions."

I think for a minute, he probably knows I'm a vigilantee. But he doesn't know my identity. So I guess I'm fine for now.

"Ok, I except."

Hey eeryone! I'm starting to post more often! I hope you lady and gents out there are have a wonderful friday! The awnser for last chapter's question was A! If you got that right bravo! Time for the next question!

What is my birth month? 
(Hint: It's coming soon)

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