Chapter 26

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Izuku Pov

Me and Hawks were fly over to get my stuff from my old home. I go down to the second floor and grab my duffel bag and put in my tools and things I was working on as Hawks watched me.I shoulder my bags and walk over to Hawks.

"You ready?"

I nod and we leave and fly over to his home. Man his home is huge.

"SO it's a big house because I have it built so I can fly around inside it. Here's your room and we'll go shopping to get you clothes later ok?"

I nod. I need to learn sign language or something. He leaves and I put away my things. I grab the communicator I was working on before I was kidnapped. It was suppose to be for me and Zawa to talk on patrol but I'll make the device so it talks for me till I'm ready. I check the time. Eh I have time let's get to work.

Harumi Pov

"So do you have anything we need to pick up?" Midnight asks me as we drive to my new home. I'm so excited!


She nods and I connect my phone to the car and blast CPR. We sing along, smiling and laughing. I love it

Mayumi Pov

I was on my phone in the back of the car on the way home. Ugh, I rather be on the street then rght here. I sigh and turn up my music.

First I have a loud cacockatoo for a father and inmsomia's for my brother and other father. Then there's me and my insecure little ass. I sigh, what a great family....

So readers! That is it for today I have two other stories to write. I'm starting a new story! It's a villain deku rehab. I think it's going to be great but follow me (You don't  have to ) to be updated when I publish it! It'll be easier than seaching for it when I publish it. But here is your fact for the day!

Did you know Avacodos are posionous to birds?

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