Chapter 30

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I fly around looking for trouble anywhere.


I hear someone shout and dive in that direction. I land softly in the alley and sneak up behind the man. I chop his neck and he falls to the floor unconsious. The girl winces as he hits the floor with a thud.

I tie him up and the girl calls the police. I hear a flap of wings and someone land behind me. Crap.

"What do you think your doing celer?" 

I slowly turn around to see a very angry Hawks glaring at me.

"Getting some air?"

"Was that a question?" he says, placing his hands on his hips. (Materal girl)


He sighs and runs at me. I yelp and fly into the air. he looks up at me and fly ups so I go a bit higher.

"Nugget get back here!"

I shake my head, " Nuh uh you big chicken." and fly off.

Hawks Pov

I sigh and chase after the boy. He scared the feather out of me when I checked and he was gone!

We play cat and mouse for, like, half an hour before I give up. We both were tired and done flying around. We go home and I instantly calaspe on te couch.

"Nugget, don't ever do that again. You have scshool, you should be getting some sleep." I say, right before I shove my face into the pillow. I hear a igh behind me and the other side of the couch dip. I take my face out of the pillow and sit up.

"How 'bout we watch a movie?" he asks me, taking his mask off and leaning back.

"What movie?"

"How 'bout .....Hunger Games?"

"Huh? What the heck is the Hunger Games?"

Izuku Pov

I stare at Hawks in horror. No way he's never seen the Hunger Games. I grab the remote and Hawks stares at me in confusion.


"We're watching the Hunger Games, go get snacks." I say, waving him off. He gets up grumbling and I hop on Hulu and get it on. Hawks comes back with candy and popcorn. That's how our Hunger Games marathon began

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